The Center Party advances quickly in Oslo: it can get two in parliament


The Center Party is doing a great job in a new poll in Oslo and is now the fourth largest party in the capital. Give the party two representatives in the Storting.

The transition of Labor veteran Jan Bøhler to the Center Party appears to give SP leader Trygve Slagsvold solid support in Oslo. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

In a poll Sentio has conducted for Klassekampen and Nettavisen, Sp gains support in Oslo of up to 7.5 percent.

This is a notable improvement over 2017, when the party received 2.1 percent of the vote in the capital. In the 2013 parliamentary elections, the party finished with just 0.8 percent.

Progress for the Center Party comes after Labor Party veteran and groruddøl Jan Bøhler announced his transfer to the Center Party on October 1.


The last time a politician from the Oslo Center Party was elected to the Storting was in 1993, when Arne Haukvik was elected amid the EU struggle.

Had the poll been the result of the elections, the first SP candidate, Jan Bøhler, would have been able to follow the second candidate and the leader of the Oslo SP, Bjørg Sandkjær, in the Storting.

– We see a Bøhler effect. I feel like we have a turbo in the team. We have built ourselves in Oslo over time. Last year we joined the council and have gained more members. After Jan came, we noticed more attention and that more people are concerned about what we stand for, says Sandkjær to Klassekampen.

Bøhler himself refers to the problems that he believes are the reason why more people are looking at the Center Party.

– The fight for the Ullevål hospital worries many in Oslo. I also think that the Center Party has wanted to spend much less money in the government district, it is something that many support. We are also starting to make our mark on criminal gangs in Oslo, and we are becoming more relevant there, Bøhler tells Nettavisen.

The right is clearly the largest in Oslo.

The Conservatives also advance in the poll and secure seven of the 20 seats in the capital with a support of 27.7 percent. Labor maintains its five in this poll. Both the FRP and the Liberal Party will lose one of their two seats. Otherwise there are no changes.

Party support: (changes from 2017 Oslo parliamentary elections in parentheses)

Right: 27.7 (+1.3), Workforce: 25.9 (-2.5), Sp: 7.5 (+5.4), SV: 12.3 (+3), ODM 7 , 3 (+1.3), Red 6.5 (+0.2), Frp 6.1 (-3.4), V 4.4 (-4) and KrF 0.8 (-1.3) .

The survey was conducted between November 2 and 14. 800 people were interviewed. The margin of error is between 1 and 3.6 percentage points.
