“The celebrity of the farm”: drank alcohol before filming TV 2


On Sunday, he is ready for the first winter duel in “Farmen kjendis”, and on Wednesday it became clear that former soccer player John Arne Riise (40), from the great farmer Eli Kari Gjengedal, was chosen as the first champion, and he must go to battle against himself. select in the next episode.

Part of the weekly homework this week has been making perfume. To make perfume you need alcohol, and Dagbladet knows that several participants must have used the alcohol they received from the television production in order to complete the order.

Ville has ‘Irish’

This is also confirmed by the former editor of Elle magazine, Signy Fardal (59), responsible for the production of perfume.

Reveal a drama of unknown pain in

Reveal an unknown pain drama in “Farmen kjendis”

– We got a whole bottle of 60 percent pure alcohol, and at the end of a fairly large operation you should have some alcohol in the perfume. And then it turned out that we had a lot of alcohol left over. For the perfume itself, we don’t need more than, I think, 20 centiliters of alcohol, he says.

“FARMS”: Per Gunvald Haugen was the first challenger to win “The Farm” last fall. It made it historic. Video: TV 2 / Ingebjørg Iversen
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Thus began the planning among the participants, of how they could ensure that the alcohol remained on the farm.

– There was one there who was especially creative. We thought it would have been nice to have some of this on the patio, that maybe we could make Irish coffee or something. We don’t even get the breads that we make, so we knew we had to return everything, even the unused alcohol. We realized that in that case we would have to use other methods. He was a bit active, but not very active. There were several who participated.

STOLEN SPIRIT: Signy Fardal, here with Øde Nerdrum, admits that participants from

STOLEN SPIRIT: Signy Fardal, here with Øde Nerdrum, admits that the participants of “Farmen kjendis” cheated the production and got alcohol on the farm. Photo: TV 2
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– We would go and carry bottles of water all the time, and we found that we could pour the alcohol into a water bottle and water into the alcohol bottle. But: We knew that at some point the production would figure it out, and then someone suggested that we had to break the bottle that we were going to return.

– I exaggerate

Participants implemented the plan:

– What we did was “lose” the bottle on the stairs at the entrance of the house. So we could say it went down, apologize and say it was broken.

It ended in a “violent theatrical production,” according to Fardal, in the courtyard.

- They told me he wanted to hit me.

– They told me he wanted to hit me.

– The main character was different from me, because he only had a secondary role. He was supposed to pretend he was very shocked by what happened. According to one of the other participants, I overdid it a bit, to say the least. The person was embarrassed for me.

– Feeling a little guilty

Production is reportedly said to have continued five. And then one of the participants was given the responsibility of hiding the bottle.

– Ha ha, this person hid the bottle very, very well. I heard rumors that the same person on the trail invited a little “noise” here and there, too.

GOOD HUMOR: Espen Thoresen, Anniken Jørgensen and Terje Sporsem had a great time on 'Farmen kjendis'.  Some also with per thousand in the blood.  Photo: TV 2

GOOD HUMOR: Espen Thoresen, Anniken Jørgensen and Terje Sporsem had a great time on ‘Farmen kjendis’. Some also with per thousand in the blood. Photo: TV 2
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– Did the production find out about this?

– No, I don’t think they found out. And I feel a little guilty about that, I was on the scene and I was the adult and wise woman. It was strange that they didn’t see through it, because I played a lot in the yard.

According to what Dagbladet knows, this week’s second giant should have grabbed the bottle and carried it to the giant’s hut the night before the duel, which will be shown on Sunday. Dagbladet has chosen to anonymize the person in question, due to the tension in the show.

It became “good and complete”

The participant confirms the incident to Dagbladet.

– I got a nice breeze in the giant cabin. Affected. I had coffee too, so I mixed the alcohol and made myself karsk. The same day the duel took place, I took the liberty of sleeping for dinner, says the participant.

The profile of the

The profile of the “farm” in mourning

Signy Fardal insists, however, that this year’s contestants have been “kinder” than what has been seen in previous seasons of the show.

– There were not many illegalities inside the farm. At least not in relation to what the participants have done before. This was probably the biggest crime that happened there during the five weeks we were there.

TV 2 program editor Kathrine Haldorsen tells Dagbladet that they had a suspicion the bottle crush was a “gallery game.”

– But we don’t get involved in how the participants choose to solve the weekly tasks. They don’t cheat production if they steal the weekly allowance, cheat the mentor, and risk having the weekly allowance rejected, Haldorsen says.
