the case – These clues should solve the riddle


On Tuesday April 28, Tom Hagen (70) leaves his home on Sloraveien 4, gets in the car and heads to the workplace at the Futurum business park.

On the Nordahl Grieg road, a few minutes from home, the journey stops.

The emergency squad, also called the Delta Force, arrests the billionaire. He is charged with murder or complicity in the murder of his wife, Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, who has been missing almost without a trace for two years.

At the same time, the police enter your workplace and home. Full cardboard boxes and bags of material are seized.

– We have a large data seizure – 3,400 seizures, we have conducted 600 witness interviews, we have 6,000 hours of video material and we continue to collect more material, so we have a lot to work with, Police Inspector Agnes Beate Hemiø tells Dagbladet .

The police maintain the main hypothesis that the Lørenskog mystery is a murder case with Tom Hagen as the perpetrator. The 70-year-old man denies his criminal guilt.

– We believe that the house is the scene of a criminal act, and that the greater probability is that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen has been murdered, says the police inspector.

The fact that the investigation was kept secret for ten weeks may have resulted in the loss of important witness observations.

- Everything suggests more involved

– Everything suggests more involved

Electronic tracks

The police emphasize that, in any case, they have obtained large amounts of electronic traces.

– Now we are reviewing and systematizing all the material that we have compiled in the case.

This includes text messages and phone calls to and from Anne-Elisabeth on the day of the disappearance.

This is critical to the investigation because it can form a picture of when she disappeared or was killed. Anne-Elisabeth’s last sure sign of life is a telephone conversation with her son at 9:14.

Tom Hagen called his wife eight times on the day of the disappearance without receiving an answer. At 10.06 he calls for the first time and tries again the next minute.

At 11 o’clock he called three more times, before reconnecting the cable at 1:16 p.m. Call back two minutes later. He receives the last call at 1:18 PM, but still has not received a response from his wife.

TOM HAGEN: Police write in a press release that they no longer want Tom Hagen’s home seized. Photo: NTB
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Dagbladet knows that the police responded to the fact that Tom Hagen’s first two calls to Anne-Elisabeth were removed from the call log on his Nokia phone.

The police have also investigated the health app on Anne-Elisabeth’s phone, which will show an abrupt movement in the period between 16 and 10 September on the day of the disappearance.

A video recording of Hagen’s car driving to Futurum between 9:10 AM and 9:15 AM is also important because it gives the husband an alibi.

I think this suggests misleading

I think this suggests misleading

The threat letter

When Tom Hagen returned home from work on October 31, 2018, his wife had left and in the hallway of the house there was a threatening letter with a ransom claim for NOK 90 million paid in the Monero cryptocurrency.

Through the investigation of the threatening letter, the police have found what they believe to be preparatory actions since early summer 2018.

The police have created a new group of experts to review the letter.

– Police have started work to review the threatening letter that was found at Sloraveien 4 again. Among other things, linguists from Norway and abroad will carry out further analyzes, says Hemiø.

The goal is to find more information about the linguistic content.

POSSIBLE RESULTS: These small blue-green spots may indicate that the police have found new traces of blood at Tom Hagen’s house in Sloraveien 4. Photo: NTB Scanpix / Reporter: Marie Røssland
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The search for the alleged counterpart has been significant and the police have spent a lot of time looking at the billionaire’s connection to the crypto-track. People close to Hagen think it is completely unlikely that he, who is supposed to be very analogous, could be behind a platform that involves cryptocurrencies.

Before the summer, the police charged a 32-year-old man, in the press called “the crypto man”, for deprivation of liberty or complicity in this. The man had repeatedly approached Hagen with a business idea about investing in the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but the 70-year-old was not interested.

Hardware in the home

Police investigated the couple’s home long before Tom Hagen’s arrest, but secured several rights after the murder charge was dropped. The house was later taken over, something the 70-year-old man and his defender Svein Holden protested in court. They were not confirmed.

The court: reason for suspicion

The court: reason for suspicion

At the court hearing in relation to the seizure of the house, Kripos investigator Christer Svane Andersson explained that “Sloraveien 4 is probably the most investigated crime scene in Norway.”

– Is it relevant to take over the house again as is the case now?

– As now seems the case, we have finished with the house in Sloraveien. We do not rule out that further investigation is necessary, but we have no plans to do so at this time.

Police have also investigated the couple’s cabin in Biri and the most used cabin in Kvitfjell.

- A puzzle

– A puzzle


Although the Eidsivating Court of Appeal decided to release Tom Hagen, and he was able to leave Oslo prison on the same day as his release on May 8 as a free man, the charges against him have been upheld.

It was not an individual incident, an individual test or a special development of the case that led to the arrest of the police. They believed that a general set of clues provided grounds for good reason to be suspicious of the 70-year-old.

This, they believe, has been strengthened through research.

146 days with full ice front

146 days with full ice front

There has been no contact between Hagen and the police since June 3, when a meeting was planned in Kripos. This was halted before it could begin due to the billionaire’s health condition. When later called “pjusk” by the police, defender Svein Holden stated that his client will not appear for further questioning.

Hagen’s three sons don’t want to be questioned either.

– Does the investigation you are currently in slow down, not questioning Tom Hagen?

– We would like to ask you questions, but that does not slow down the investigation in any way, says Hemiø.
