The bus and light rail crashed downtown


A city railway and a bus collided in Nonneseter, in the center of Bergen.

Five passengers were slightly injured, one of whom was taken to the emergency room for further control, police report. Photo: Ørjan Deisz

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The message arrived at 09.05.

– We have been notified that there are many broken glass, says the commander on duty Ronald Drotningsvik at the 110 plant.

– Passengers bleed. We don’t know more yet, says Drotningsvik.

Ivar Jonassen witnessed the explosion. I was on the light rail when it happened.

– The bus was about to shut down and the back of the bus collided with the light rail. Then the windows were shattered. It’s a shock. Splashed shards of glass. It was a very special explosion, says Jonassen.

Five passengers injured

Five passengers were slightly injured, one of whom was taken to the emergency room for further screening, police report. All the passengers sat on the light rail, while the bus had no passengers.

The BT journalist at the scene says that a person bleeds from the head and is being treated by health personnel.

The leader of the Synnøve Malkenes police task force says the bus came driving from Bergen city center in the direction of Bystasjonen.

Chief of Police Task Synnøve Malkenes Photo: Ørjan Deisz

Collision turn

– As you are about to turn towards the Vincens Lunges gate, the rear meets the light rail passing in the opposite direction. Five passengers are slightly injured in connection with the use of glasses, says Malkenes.

The drivers are unharmed and are being cared for.

– Now we get help from the fire service to prepare the light rail, says Malkenes.

The accident happened in Kaigaten near the train station.

Skyss reports that Bybanen’s current last stop is Nygård until further notice.

