The best of UEFA in a letter to the NFF:


This is clear from a letter to which TV 2 has had access.

It is signed by Giorgio Marchetti, UEFA Deputy General Secretary, and is addressed to Federal President Terje Svendsen, General Secretary Pål Bjerketvedt and national team coach Lars Lagerbäck.

The letter was sent as early as September 1, the day before the women’s national team match against Belarus had to be postponed, as the quarantine provisions at the time did not provide an exception for the entry of non-Schengen teams to international sporting events in Norway. At the same time, there was uncertainty about the development of matches in Europe for both Molde and Rosenborg.

UEFA dissatisfied with Molde’s movement

“(…) we are communicating with you because Norway is now one of the most problematic countries in terms of restrictions and border closures, which your government has introduced.

We are aware that talks are taking place with the authorities to extend the exemption that the national team received for the match against Austria (4 September, journal.anm.), But this is still not entirely in line with our wish as competitions for the U21 teams, women’s national teams and clubs are underway.

In particular, we would like to remind you of the upcoming match between Molde and Qarabag. As Molde will have to be quarantined when he returns from Azerbaijan, UEFA is obliged to move the match to a neutral field. This will probably be the only case where a match moves to neutral ground during the next round of the Champions League and Europa League due to travel restrictions. “

The SMS exchange reveals steep fronts in the fight of the national team: – You are not at the limit here

The game against Qarabag was played, as is well known, in Cyprus and not in Azerbaijan, which was obviously not well received by UEFA.

“The restrictions have deprived many professionals of their rights”

Furthermore, Marchetti writes:

“(…) We understand that other issues may be higher on the priority list of your governing bodies in these difficult times, but we trust that your federation will emphasize the importance of Norway, like all other countries in Europe, supporting the opportunity to organize European Parties (…) ».

In addition, Marchetti also requests that an exemption be granted for foreign players playing for Norwegian clubs, before concluding:

“The current restrictions in Norway have effectively deprived many athletes of their right to represent their country during the national team break this week.”

NFF on the use of time by the authorities: – Incomprehensible

The UEFA letter, illustrating the pressure on the NFF to stage the much-discussed international matches against Israel, Romania and Austria, prompted Secretary General Pål Bjerketvedt to write a letter to the authorities.

He claims that the time spent by the authorities has at times been one of great frustration at the NFF.

Joshua King with positive coronal test

The letter, which has been sent to the Prime Minister’s office, and which has a copy from the Ministry of Health and Care Services, the Ministry of Culture, the Norwegian Health Directorate and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, is titled ” The current Norwegian travel restrictions and quarantine rules make Norway’s participation in UEFA tournaments very difficult and demanding. “

“(…) Norwegian travel restrictions and quarantine regulations (are) now in the process of being able to influence the outcome of international matches in a very negative way. Norwegian teams are in the process of having worse chances to reach international competitions. And UEFA describes us as one of the two or three countries with which it is very demanding to find solutions.

The NFF is aware that a process is underway within the governmental apparatus regarding quarantine provisions and entry outside of Schengen. However, we do react a bit as this takes place. It has been more than five weeks since the first inquiry was submitted and 10 days since we received the response that a professional medical evaluation from NIPH had to be obtained first. From an infection control point of view, it is difficult to understand the risk of Molde flying to Baku, playing matches and then returning with the same plane under a very strict infection control regime from UEFA. At the top, Molde is subject to Norwegian regulations on tests on arrival in Norway. It is also a challenge to understand that Turkish teams, under the same infection control regime, can play games in Copenhagen, but not in Trondheim. UEFA’s procedures for conducting football matches under the prevailing conditions have been previously submitted to the Norwegian authorities.

NFF understands that authorities are now exposed to a lot of inquiries and that the processes for evaluating exceptions to Covid-19 regulations must necessarily take some time. On the other hand, the fact that it takes up to two months before an answer can be given and an exception granted, on the other hand, seems incomprehensible and triggers great challenges and a risky autumn for us. The NFF strongly requests that exceptions be granted as soon as possible and in time for the matches in Molde, Rosenborg and the national team to go as planned. “

Raja responds to Bjerketvedt

Bjerketvedt confirms frustration with authorities over TV 2, but does not need to comment further.

NFF takes self-criticism after chaos crown in national team

The Prime Minister’s Office, recipient of the discontent, refers to the Ministry of Culture.

– The health authorities and the government have many consultations from all sectors of society, including sports in general and football in particular. We have processed all inquiries as quickly as possible. Football has always received clarifications in time for events that have been recorded, but what some evaluations have taken some time is that we have been, and still are, in a very unpredictable contagion situation where life and health must come first. I believe and hope that the NFF understands it, says Culture Minister Abid Raja on TV 2, continuing:

– It is the case that football has had, and still has, its own exceptions in the COVID-19 regulation, and as such, they have had adapted provisions from the beginning.

Earlier this week, it emerged that communication between the NFF and the Norwegian Health Directorate has not been entirely smooth.

Among other things, the Norwegian Directorate of Health reacted strongly to the NFF’s plans to send a reduced troop to Romania, a decision that ultimately put an end to Bent Høie.
