The best friend survived the train accident. He told the court about the minutes before Even (15) died.


The trial against Bane Nor began on Wednesday. The first witness was Oskar Widuto, who was in a coma for two weeks after the accident.

Three young people entered this tunnel in February 2019. One of them died. The other two were seriously injured. After the accident, the Filipstad area has new fences. Stig B. Hansen

Three young men entered the train tunnel in Filipstad and got on a parked train. Only two of them made it out alive.

Oskar Widuto was the one. He suffered serious injuries and was in a coma for two weeks. On Wednesday, he testified in the Oslo District Court.

According to the indictment, Bane Nor did not take the necessary action.
security measures that could prevent people from moving within your area.

It was best friend Even Warsla Meen who died after receiving power from an airline.

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A-MAGAZINE: The tragedy on track 3. What happened inside the 220 meter long tunnel when Even (15) died?

Others had been there before

– We walked a bit and found some sleeping bags for outsiders. We also found some marking equipment. We check if something worked, but it didn’t. We went further in, Widuto said from the witness stand.

Oskar Widuto survived the accident in Filipstad last year. On Wednesday, he testified in the Oslo District Court. Stig B. Hansen

He and the deceased were together a lot both at school and in their free time. The third person to enter the tunnel was the deceased’s girlfriend, who was also seriously injured.

Widuto explained in court that they decided to climb on the roof of the train because there was no other place to sit and talk.

He doesn’t remember much else about what happened after that. But he said he tried to help even after they got some power. It didn’t work when he injured his arm himself. He ran off to ask for help.

Went up without problems

Widuto had been in the tunnel twice before. He jumped over the fence to get in, while the other two went through a hole, he explained.

– How long had that hole been there? Asked prosecutor Kristin Røhne.

– That’s where I was last in the tunnel, in October 2018, answered Widuto, who turned 17 today. He had to take several breaks during court.

– What was it like getting on the roof of the train?

– It was not that difficult.

It was Widuto who helped his friend up to the roof.

The ladder to the roof of the train was closed with a climbing protector, but it was possible to climb from the side of the ladder. Norwegian Accident Investigation Board for transport

He has said in police questioning that he did not believe there was electricity connected to the train, partly because it was disconnected. Young people were aware that they were not allowed to enter the tunnel, but they did so because “it was very easy.

– If the fence had been 180 degrees high, you would still go in there, asked the prosecutor.

– In.

– There is risk in everything

– Would you get on a train that is not in the tunnel, but in the daytime? Asked Bane Nor’s defender, attorney Per Sigvald Wang.

– If I had seen that it had not been there that long, I would not have done it, Widuto replied.

– Do you think you took a risk when you climbed on the roof of this train and you thought there was no electricity, but without knowing for sure?

– There is risk in everything, but we thought it was not that high.

– If there had been no entrance, it would have mattered if you entered, continued Wang.

– Nothing in particular. These signs are everywhere, Widuto replied.

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The sum of small errors

In his introductory speech, the prosecutor Røhne referred to an investigative report by Bane Nor. It showed that parts of the fence around the train station were too low. It was also not marked “high voltage”.

– It was completely possible to turn off the power only for this tunnel, added the prosecutor.

The Oslo area where the accident occurred. Sources: Bane Nord and the Norwegian Accident Investigation Board. Maps and charts: Terje Tønnessen

Røhne also emphasized that many small mistakes have been made in this case, each of which is not negligent, but generally makes it negligent.

– There is no person who can be named responsible for this happening. In the opinion of the prosecution, there are a number of omissions, deficiencies and errors that lead us to believe that Bane Nor should be held criminally responsible. Not only for the violation of rail law, but also for causing someone’s death and significant bodily injury, Røhne said.

Defense attorney Wang believed in court that, on the other hand, it is the active actions that are the triggering cause for the accident to have a tragic outcome.

– Young people entered the fenced areas of the railroad, which is illegal. They went further into the area and climbed onto the roof of a parked train. These are actions that cannot be ignored in the assessment of criminal law, said the defender.

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