The Baneheia Affair – Fateful New Encounter: – Insane


Three years have passed, but the Reentry Commission has yet to reach its conclusion with Viggo Kristiansen’s sixth request for readmission. Another fateful meeting about the 41-year-old’s future will take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

The question is simple, but the answer seems almost impossible to give the commission: Should Kristiansen have his case tried again in court?

From day one, he himself has claimed that he is innocent of having raped and murdered Lena Sløgedal Paulsen (10) and Stine Sofie Sørstrønen (8) in Baneheia in Kristiansand together with Jan Helge Andersen on May 19, 2000.

Andersen’s DNA was found at the scene, but there is no conclusive evidence against Kristiansen. He was found guilty due to the general evidence in the case.

Kristiansen and Andersen were sentenced to 21 years in prison with a minimum of 10 years and 19 years in prison, respectively. Although Andersen was released in 2016, Kristiansen is still in custody.

NEW EVALUATION: The Readmission Commission will appoint a new expert to reevaluate the DNA evidence in the Baneheia case. Video: Madeleine Liereng / Dagbladet TV
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Criticism of Beinhard

Kristiansen’s attorney, Arvid Sjødin, tells Dagbladet that expectations about whether a decision will be made this week are tepid.

– We have no preconditions to say something if there is a decision. Based on experience, it would be wrong to think that it happens. It is crazy to have a commission that does not say where they are, that does not give answers that are in accordance with general legal opinion and cannot be appealed again, says Sjødin.

He goes on to say that the waiting time has been very demanding for Kristiansen himself. Having only one alternative, namely waiting, has also been a test.

– It is difficult for Viggo and his family that this does not end despite the circumstances of the case. However, our legislature has given them no other options but to wait, says the attorney.

Respond to TVNorge's plans for the Baneheia series

Respond to TVNorge’s plans for the Baneheia series

Questions without answer

A new television series on the Baneheia case has also put a new focus on the case. Even when it became known that the television series would arrive, the relatives opposed the plans and feared the misrepresentation.

In January, however, the documentary series premiered and has garnered rave reviews for asking important questions that need answers.

Among the key issues is the so-called mobile test. A Telenor report stated that the data traffic related to Kristiansen’s phone was not consistent with Andersen’s explanation of the course of events at the site and the alleged timing of the atrocities.

Baneheia questions to answer

Baneheia questions to answer

Take note of the criticisms

The head of the Readmission Commission, Siv Hallgren, tells Dagbladet that it is always difficult, before a meeting, to say how far they will go with treatment.

– It depends on what happens in the meeting, but the hope and goal is to get a decision as soon as possible for both her and the other issues that are coming up, says Hallgren.

SHAKE: The documentary “Baneheia – The Battle for Truth” takes a closer look at the evidence in the Baneheia case. Video: Discovery +
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Although the commission initially works chronologically with incoming cases, Kristiansen’s application has been pending for three years so far. At the same time, the queue of cases in the commission has increased. The waiting time has not gone unnoticed.

– The criticism that we are working too slow, we must take note, admits Hallgren, who promises that the parties in the Baneheia case will be notified when a decision is near.

He also emphasizes that while the starting point is that older cases with the commission should be dealt with first, some still take precedence.

– This may be because people, for example, are entering and zoning, leaving the country, or are sick and old, says the leader, adding that there are several issues on the table also at this week’s meeting.
