The Attack on Congress: – – Like a horror movie


– It was like watching a horror movie, only in reality. “I mean, we train, plan and budget more or less every day to make sure this doesn’t happen,” Kim Dine told the Washington Post.

He was head of the congressional police force itself from 2012 to 2016.

He is surprised that the attackers managed to enter the building on Wednesday night. Several hundred people entered through various entrances. Most of them were armed with flags and shields.

KNOWN: Former Congressional Police Force Chief Kim Dine is shocked by what he saw unfolding in Washington, DC Photo: NTB

SHOCKED: Former head of Congress’ own police force, Kim Dine, is shocked by what he saw unfold in Washington, DC Photo: NTB
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I should have been further away

– I can’t understand how it happened, he says.

He does not understand why the congressional police allowed the protesters to gather so close to the building. He believes that the police should, in principle, place the barriers further in the square, to have more freedom of action.

The story: Therefore, new coup attempts are expected

The story: Therefore, new coup attempts are expected

– Everything was attacked

– We protect people, construction and the process that makes us the United States. That is why we are there. But now the people, the building, the process, everything was attacked, Dine tells the newspaper.

Nor does he understand why those who entered the congress building were not arrested.

GUN DRAMA: This video shows the gun drama that took place inside the Congress building. VIDEO: AP
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The reason for this is that there were not enough people to get to everything, and that congressional police focused on ensuring that senators and members of Congress were evacuated to safety, an anonymous police officer tells the Washington Post, who was working in Congress.


The “shaman” who led Trump’s mafia

– Fail phenomenally

ABC News has spoken with a former FBI agent, who is also unkind in his assessment of the police work that took place in Washington DC on Wednesday.

“Based on relatively simple intelligence information, which means that thousands of angry people were present, including groups with violent tendencies, it can be said that the police were not prepared to handle this incident,” Brad Garrett told ABC.

“From a police point of view, this failed phenomenally,” says Garrett.

Timeline: this happened

Timeline: this happened

– I do not understand

He also believes that this should be something that the Washington police should be able to do.

“This should be a classic anti-insurgency operation for a police force, where you set up barricades in advance, drive crowds away from their target, and call in reinforcements from the National Guard or other federal agencies,” Garrett says.

“I don’t understand why the Washington police didn’t do that exercise,” he said.
