The attack on Congress: – “A dozen” soldiers are withdrawn from the inauguration


WASHINGTON, DC: (Dagbladet): At least a dozen National Guard soldiers have been removed from the mission to secure the US capital and incoming President Joe Biden during Wednesday’s inauguration ceremony.

the melder NBC.

Earlier Tuesday, several US media reported that two soldiers had been pulled from security after the FBI found “loose ties” with armed militias. These militias are again said to have ties to right-wing extremist ideology.

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Several removed

On Tuesday afternoon local time, NBC reports that several soldiers have been removed from the security system in the capital.

Some of them are said to have criminal records, which had not been previously discovered. Others are said to have spoken in such a way that other soldiers notified the military commander of the comments.

So the officer must have alerted the FBI.

This has been revealed because the FBI was commissioned to check the background of the 25,000 National Guard soldiers who are now stationed in the United States.

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Fear of internal attacks

The FBI is conducting these background checks because the US Department of Defense fears that Washington DC and the inauguration ceremony of incoming President Joe Biden could be the target of an insider attack.

Both the FBI and the US National Guard and Department of Defense emphasize that soldiers who have been removed from service have been removed as a result of an extreme precautionary approach.

It also affects the security system in Washington DC

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The besieged capital

In practice, the US capital is under siege by the National Guard, and an area of ​​about 12 square kilometers in the capital is now almost hermetically sealed.

Few people enter here, and those who enter must have the proper accreditations and go through a complete security check.

To get to the security checkpoint, you must go through various checkpoints, pass various physical barricades, and walk down streets where companies, shops, and restaurants have nailed doors and windows with plates.
