The alleged perpetrator after the Elverum knife incident is dead


The perpetrator was found in a forest area southwest of Elverum. According to the police, the man had climbed a tree and fell.

Life-saving first aid was implemented at the scene, and the person was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead as a result of injuries after the fall, Interior state police reported in a press release late Friday.

– The person was in possession of a knife when it was found, but it is too early to say if this may be the knife that was used in the stabbing, police write in the press release.

Just before 2:30 p.m. came the first report of a stabbing in Vindheiavegen in Vestad in Elverum. Police asked residents in the area to stay indoors and close doors and windows.

Just over an hour later, Inland police stated in a news release that a woman had been sent to hospital with stab wounds. She was transferred to Ullevål hospital.

– Police were informed on Friday night that the health of the woman who was stabbed in the neck region is stable.

Police claim that the woman was stabbed on their property and, as of yet, the police are not aware of any witnesses to the incident itself. She herself was notified by others present in the house.

Everything indicates that the woman was a random victim.

Armed police searched for the perpetrator west of Glomma in Elverum. Police assume the incident is related to the observations of an unstable and intoxicated person on Friday night and the theft of a military uniform at the Terningmoen military camp. Police are now investigating whether this has a connection.

The police write in the press release that they do not have a clear identity of the man and that they continue to work to clarify this and notify the relatives.

ACTION: Police and dogs patrol their way to the Sperre area to search for an armed person.

ACTION: Police and dogs patrol their way to the Sperre area to search for an armed person. Photo:

Place Major Håkon Oppegård in Terningmoen camp says they had a robbery on Friday night.

– We have had a robbery in the administration of the shooting range that is outside the field, he tells Østlendingen, who has not yet been confirmed if it is the same person.

Terningmoen Camp: – We had a robbery last night where a uniform was taken
