The above rulings will be an issue in the Bertheussen case


Bertheussen has previously been convicted three times in the 1980s. Twice he received a suspended sentence and once an unconditional 30-day prison sentence. The cases concerned theft, fraud and forgery.

State Attorney Frederik Ranke tells NTB that among the documents in the case are previous sentences against Bertheussen.

– Some of the verdicts will probably be presented towards the end of the main hearing, he says.

State prosecutor Marit Formo tells Filter Nyheter that the prosecution will explain to what extent they believe the previous sentences are important in knowing whether Bertheussen has met the conditions for which he is now charged.

Normally unweighted

The 55-year-old’s advocate, attorney John Christian Elden, told NTB that if the prosecution presents prior verdicts against Bertheussen, the defense will take it when it happens.

– No one can and should not be convicted for their past in Norway, but I see that the police sometimes try this when they have no evidence. Of course, an earlier verdict is not proof of a new offense, Elden told Filter Nyheter in September last year.

Ina Strømstad from the judges media group has told Dagbladet that past decisions may have an impact on sentencing, but that sentences should not normally be emphasized when they are over ten years old.

– Previous convictions do not have conclusive evidence for the question of guilt, he said, emphasizing that he made a general statement.

The first conditions

Before any previous circumstances arise in court 250 of the Oslo District Court, the court must consider each individual incident for which Bertheussen has been charged. They include arson, threatening letters, and vandalism.

Under the progress plan, the various elements of the prosecution are scheduled to be explained six times, before other witnesses are brought forward.

The first two explanations arrive next week. Tuesday deals with the incident on the night of December 6, 2018. Bertheussen is accused of having written the word “racist” on the house and having drawn a swastika and written “racist” on the family car. Also, a rope was sticking out of the car’s fuel tank, which was seen as an attempt to start it.

Health app

The next day, an investigator from the Police Security Service (PST) will review the movements recorded on the accused’s mobile phone through a health application.

On Thursday, Tor Mikkel Wara will testify as offended in the case. Then an interview that Wara did the day after the December vandalism will also be reproduced, where he describes it as an attack on democracy, something of which his partner is also accused.

On January 17 of the following year, a fire broke out in the garbage container in front of the house of the couple who lived together. The first of several threatening letters is also related to this day. Bertheussen will be explained on Friday.
