The 50-year-old accused denies being involved in the murder of the profile SIAN – VG


ÅSTED: The police have carried out investigations at Lid’s apartment in Kristiansand. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

Police arrested three men for the murder of Dan E vivos Lid (48) in Kristiansand. One of them is now completely unknown to police accusers.

Dan Evid Lid was found dead in his home by a friend on Saturday, October 3, and Agder police believe the 48-year-old man has been killed.

– They questioned us. You don’t understand the accusation. This is unknown to him, says attorney Torleiv Drangsland, who represents a man in his 50s.

Three people are charged with the murder of Lid or with complicity in the murder.

– The accused are between 30, 40 and 50 years old, respectively. All are known to the police to varying degrees from before, and two have been previously convicted, police attorney Morten Formo said at a news conference today.

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Police on Kristiansand murder: – Nothing so far indicates political motive

POLICE ATTORNEY: Morten Formo in the Agder Police District. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

I won’t explain about Lid

Drangsland says the client did not want to say anything about where he was during the time police are investigating.

Police believe Lid was killed between 5 and 6 a.m. on Saturday, October 3.

– He didn’t want to explain himself about Lid, says Drangsland.

The lawyer says that the client also does not know who the other detainees are.

– We don’t have access to the documents, says Drangsland.

So far, VG has been unable to obtain comment from the other two advocates.

DEAD: Dan E vivos Lid participated in demonstrations with the extremist group SIAN, also known as Stop the Islamization of Norway. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB scanpix


On Thursday of last week, the police came out and said they wanted to contact the driver and passengers of a car that was traveling in the innermost part of Suldalsveien, not far from Lid’s apartment, in the direction of Kjerrane, just before from 05.00 hours on Saturday, October 3.

There are a number of surveillance cameras in the area around the apartment complex, which may have captured the perpetrators.

Lid was something known to the public as an activist in SIAN – “Stop the Islamization of Norway.” But police see no sign that the killing was politically motivated.

It was previously known that Lid is said to have stored weapons and a significant amount of drugs in his home. This must have disappeared when he was found beaten and dead on the floor of the apartment in Kristiansand.

Police lawyer Formo will not comment on whether the three now accused of murder or complicity in the murder belong to a special background.

– They are known to the police before, but beyond that I will not comment on specific information of the case. It is out of consideration for further investigation and for cross-examination of witnesses and defendants, he said Tuesday.

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