Test stations closed due to cold – NRK Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio


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– The problem is that those conducting the tests cannot keep their fingers warm enough, says the manager of the Leangen test station in Trondheim, Wenche Landbakk.

Today -16 degrees was measured at the large outdoor test station at Leangen in the city.

When all healthcare personnel can wear are thin plastic gloves, and they also have to splash between tests, they quickly become cold and stiff on the fingers.

“We have shown that each team has tested for 20 minutes outdoors, and then we had the opportunity to warm up indoors, but today the limit of how cold it can get has been reached,” says Landbakk.

Also in Skaun municipality, outside Trondheim, a test station was closed yesterday, and this afternoon it became clear that the test station at Spelhaugen in Bergen will be closed until Sunday.

You must look at the temperatures

It has been very cold in various parts of the country in recent days. Yesterday it was measured colder than -30 many places.

Kristiansten Fortress, Trondheim, winter

COLD ACROSS THE COUNTRY: At the test station in Trondheim today it measured -16 degrees.

Photo: Kjartan Ovesen / NRK

At the Trondheim test station, the cold this week has already led to them not being able to take as many samples as they would have done under more normal conditions.

The 16 who work at the station have been divided into four teams to be able to shoot frequently enough and not freeze.

– Capacity has decreased with temperature. On normal days we tested 550 people, the last few days we have only managed to get 260 in one day, says Landbakk.

She still believes those who want to get tested will do well at a covered station in Trondheim near Leutenhaven.

– There will probably be a higher demand there, but they will have the ability to carry, says Landbakk.

Image of the corona test station at Leangen in Trondheim.  taken on christmas day

ROLLING TO STAY WARM: This photo was taken from the Leangen test station this Christmas. On a typical day, 550 people drive thru here.

Photo: Morten Andersen / NRK

More pressure on indoor facilities

The municipality of Trondheim will be closed until Friday and then will make a new assessment of whether the station will reopen over the weekend.

The incidence of infection has recently been stable.

If the severe cold persists and the municipality experiences capacity problems, they have a third test station that can be opened in one day.

– The municipality has the opportunity to open the test station in Klæbu, it is also in the interior, says Landbakk.

In Bergen, capacity has been expanded at the Festplassen test stations and the Bergen emergency room.
