Tesla, Lawsuit, | Threatens a massive lawsuit against Tesla


Several dissatisfied Tesla owners have joined.

More than 100 Dutch Tesla drivers have decided to join the court against the electric car giant. The reason is that they believe that Tesla does not deliver what they promise when they claim to be service-oriented, and that the cars should be practically maintenance-free, writes the NL Times newspaper.

Several Dutch media outlets have covered the case last week, including Business Insider Nederland and the tech website Techzle.com.

According to the latter, there are 119 drivers who will be involved in the lawsuit.

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Dissatisfied drivers are said to have flocked through the newly created “Stichting Tesla Claim”, which can be translated to “Stifelsen Tesla-requirements”.

On its website, drivers have listed a number of complaints about Tesla, which will include complaints about doors that don’t open and close properly, poor lighting, reduced power, and less range than promised.

Also, it should be difficult for dissatisfied Tesla owners to get help from Tesla customer service.

It is not clear how much the foundation is suing the auto giant.

– Negotiations have been unsuccessful so far, a foundation spokesman is said to have said, according to Business Insider.

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