Ten still missing after the Gjerdrum landslide


Rescuers will dispatch ground crews to the landslide area for the first time on Friday.

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At 6 p.m. on New Year’s Day, ten people have missing status, just over two days after the violent landslide began.

Rescue teams in Gjerdrum are waiting for the light, but today they plan to send ground teams to search for survivors, writes VG.

– We operate and prepare to bring ground personnel. We haven’t done it yet, and we hope we get it today, operations manager Ketil Lund tells the newspaper.

According to the plan, Swedish rescue experts (USAR force) will be dispatched together with Norwegian dog trainers.

– No finds were made

Karianne Knutsen, Operations Manager in the Eastern Police District

– Search teams have not made any discoveries. Last night’s search was carried out with drones, says Operations Director Karianne Knutsen in the Eastern NTB Police District.

She emphasizes that they still have hope of finding people alive.

Fireworks on New Year’s Eve over the landslide at Ask in Gjerdrum. Many houses have been taken over by the avalanche and ten people are still missing. More than 1,000 people from the area have been evacuated. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB

General photos of the landslide taken from a helicopter by NGI. Photo: NGI

They have found dogs in the landslide area.

Late Thursday night, one of the dogs that had disappeared after the landslide was found safe and sound.

– The dog is in good condition and is reunited with the owner, who is not among the missing, says Knutsen.

The dog was found at 10:43 p.m. Thursday night. Dagbladet, who first reported on the discovery, writes that the dog was recovered with the help of a heat-seeking chamber. The dog was rescued from the area of ​​the landslide in a rescue helicopter.

This is the second dog that has been rescued from the area in good condition. Earlier on New Year’s Eve, the Dalmatian Zajka was rescued.

