“Tell my children that I love them” – VG


WORKED AS A NURSING ASSISTANT: Simone Barreto Silva was originally from Brazil, but had lived in France for the past 30 years. Photo: SIMONE BARRETO SILVA / REUTERS

NICE / OSLO (VG) The mother of three Simone Barreto Silva was one of the three victims of the knife attack in the French city of Nice. He managed to deliver an important message before he died.

Barreto Silva was killed after a 21-year-old Tunisian, armed with a knife, entered the Notre-Dame church in the city center on Thursday morning.

The man slaughtered the former church servant and father of two Vincent Loqès (54). A 70-year-old woman was beheaded and killed. The attack is being investigated as terrorism.

Simone Barreto Silva, 44, was repeatedly stabbed by the perpetrator, but managed to escape from the church. She hid in the nearby Le Isla Burger restaurant located across the street to the left of the church, seriously injured.

– She was completely covered in blood when she crossed the street. My brother and one of our staff helped her in and left her inside the restaurant. They did not understand anything. Then he said that there was an armed man inside the church, the restaurant manager tells the Franceinfo radio channel.

On Friday morning the restaurant is completely closed when VG is out. But some placed flowers and lit candles next to him, as well as a sea of ​​flowers on the steps of the church in memory of the three victims of terror.

FLOWERS AND CANDLES: Flowers and a candle are placed next to the restaurant that Simone Barreto Silva (44) was looking after when she ran away from the perpetrator Thursday. He later died from his injuries. Photo: Harald Henden, VG

According to the restaurant manager, Simone died an hour and a half after going to the restaurant.

– Still managed to speak while the health personnel tried to save her. Just before he died, he said, “Tell my children that I love them,” he says.

VG has been unable to reach the restaurant’s manager on Friday.

– it was full of life

Simone Barreto Silva was originally from Brazil, but came to France 30 years ago to work. She was a French national.

Several Brazilian media write that Barreto Silva was born in a suburb of the city of Salvador in the Brazilian state of Bahia. The 44-year-old man leaves behind three children.

According to O’Globo, she was a trained cook, but more recently she worked as a nursing assistant for older people who needed help. Barreto Silva is described by the family as cheerful and hard-working.

– It was full of life, says one of Barreto Silva’s friends according to Nice-Matin.

The French newspaper further writes that the 44-year-old was interested in soccer and participated in the city’s many multicultural events.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro commented on Friday in a press release on the murder of the stepmother:

“On behalf of the entire Brazilian nation, the President extends his deepest condolences to the family and friends of our fellow citizen murdered in Nice, and to the families of the other victims. We stand in solidarity with the French people and the French authorities,” he says in the press release.

also read

The terrorist attack in Nice: this happened in the hours before the attack

New arrest Thursday night

A 47-year-old man was arrested Thursday night, suspected of having been in contact with the perpetrator of the knife attack. More specifically, he is said to have helped the 21-year-old Tunisian by calling him on the phone.

The alleged perpetrator was shot by the police before being arrested inside the church. He is being treated for injuries at the hospital.

SHOOTING BEHIND THE DOOR: Four of the six local police officers entered through this side door, opposite the restaurant where Simone took refuge. There they met the aggressor and fired several shots at him. Photo: Harald Henden, VG

On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron decided to raise the level of security in the country to the highest level, which means there is a danger of assassination. The number of deployed soldiers increases from 3,000 to 5,000.

On the streets of Nice, however, this is not noticeable at the moment, with the exception of in front of and around the Notre Dame church, which is now strictly guarded by the police.

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