Tegnell: – It goes slowly but surely in the wrong direction


A total of 5,878 people have died in Sweden in connection with the pandemic, figures from the Public Health Authority show. In the last 24 hours, 533 new cases of infection have been registered, and the total amounts to 90,289.

At Thursday’s press conference, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says the infection has increased recently.

– In Sweden, we have had a slight rebound in recent weeks. It is going slowly but surely in the wrong direction, Tegnell said.

Could be the reason

The Public Health Authority believes that one reason is that more and more people are returning to work rather than working from home.

On Tuesday, Tegnell opened to introduce stricter local restrictions, including in Stockholm, to prevent the infection from continuing to increase. Two weeks ago, 1.3 percent of those tested were infected, while last week, 2.2 percent of the samples tested positive.

During Thursday’s press conference, Tegnell also addressed the infection situation internationally.

– The increase that began last week continues this week, and sadly it seems that we are on track for a new record week, he said.

Read also: Britain’s largest newspaper: – Tegnell is a hero

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven during a press conference earlier this year.  Photo: Henrik Montgomery / tt / NTB scanpix

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven during a press conference earlier this year. Photo: Henrik Montgomery / tt / NTB scanpix

New call

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven believes that many Swedes have become less careful when it comes to infection control. Encourage more chores, fewer house parties, continuous hand washing, and no hugs.

– No matter how boring it is, the message to the Swedish people is that we must persevere, Löfven said on Thursday.

You do not want to cancel any of the infection measures at the moment.

– What we are doing right now, we will enjoy later. What we do wrong now, we will suffer later, said the Prime Minister.
