– Teenagers from Bodø and Rana must stay home – NRK


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In both Bodø and Rana, there have been several outbreaks of infections among teenagers in the last week. Therefore, adolescents are now asked to stay at home as long as possible.

As a result of the outbreaks, several upper secondary schools have been closed after the outbreaks. One of them is Bodø Upper Secondary School, where six new infections have been reported in the last 24 hours.

Infection control Kai Brynjar Hagen now encourages young people to stay away from their friends too.

– I think that many may find it difficult to stay away from their friends. But if we are good and do this, hopefully it will be better next year, says Russian President Sara Landaas at Bodin Upper Secondary School.

More young people are also reacting to the spread of the infection. In Jodel, you encourage your colleagues to stay home:

Landaas says she has noticed that more and more people are worrying about following the rules.

Today is Saturday and usually many Russians would probably have made it out alive, but not now:

– It’s Saturday, but it seems like most people should stay home. I don’t know anyone who has plans to leave, says Landaas.

Recently, the Russian president shared a post on the Russian’s own pages, in which she urged to take the advice seriously:

deling sara landas
Graphics – Screenshot

I recommend not being with friends

– Now we especially serve young people 13 years and older. They have to calm down. We do not have a complete description of where the infection is.

Infection control doctor Kai Brynjar Hagen is on site for mass vaccination of the flu vaccine in Bodø.

Infection control doctor Kai Brynjar Hagen in Bodø asks the city’s youth to stay home as long as possible. – They have to calm down. We do not have a complete description of where the infection is.

Photo: Bente H. Johansen / NRK

That’s what the head of infection control, Kai Brynjar Hagen in Bodø says. Now he encourages all young people to follow the rules.

Can’t they be with friends now?

– No, we don’t recommend that they be. Because friends can be carriers of infections. We do not have a complete description of where the infection is. That’s the problem, says head of infection control Kai Brynjar Hagen in Bodø.

Stop at leisure activities

Yesterday, five new cases of crown were registered in Bodø, today one. Four of these six are high school students.

At Friday’s press conference, adviser Rune Lund Sommerseth in the culture office said there will be a stop in leisure activities just over a week in advance. This does not apply to children under the age of 13.

– The recommendation is that upper secondary and upper secondary youth take a break from leisure activities next week. This is a specific measure that we hope to follow.

Hidden infection also in Rana

Infection outbreaks also continue to increase in the municipality of Rana. Only yesterday, up to nine new cases of infection were registered in the municipality.

– We have a hidden infection. The outbreak is expected to grow in scope, says Rana municipal physician Frode Berg.

A total of 54 cases of corona have been registered in Rana, the majority in the last week. Rana is currently one of the municipalities in Norway with the highest proportion of infected, in relation to the population.

– We have 7-8 groups of infections. Some are related, but this image is a bit confusing. We have several infected people with no known place of infection, Berg says in a press release.

Infection at the Halloween party

At the same time that the municipality of Rana chooses to address all the inhabitants, the municipal superior of Bodø points the finger at the young people.

– We see that many of those we have received as positive cases have been at the Halloween party last weekend. We won’t have any reruns now, Hagen emphasizes.

Hagen hopes there are clear plans now to be home to avoid stricter measures later. He says he has heard rumors that young people report no symptoms.

– Adolescents with symptoms should put yourself to the test and don’t give up for fear of being quarantined or isolated.

And he does not agree that now he hangs out with young people and blames them.

– No, it’s silly. This is not to blame anyone. The vast majority have been good. But this time there are outbreaks in teenage settings.
