Taxi drivers and health professionals among the most vulnerable occupations


– Healthcare professionals had the highest number of confirmed cases per 1,000 workers before the summer, while employees in the catering industry had the highest number of confirmed cases per 1,000 workers after the summer. Taxi drivers, bus drivers and streetcar drivers have also had more infections than the general working-age population, according to a new study from the National Institute of Public Health.

Between February and July, 2.3 corona infections were recorded for every 1,000 people between the ages of 20 and 70 in Norway. For health personnel and drivers, this proportion was 3.5 to 6.5 cases per 1,000 and 3.4 to 5.5 cases per 1,000, respectively.

Between July and November, the infection increased somewhat in Norway, and we had 2.6 recorded corona infections per 1,000 people between the ages of 20 and 70.

During this period, employees in the catering industry, as well as aircraft and ship hosts, were the most exposed. For these groups, 6.2 to 8.9 corona cases per 1,000 were recorded. At the same time, the infection among health professionals was in line with the rest of the population.

The whole country

The number of cases of infection in the population has increased in week 44. The increase applies to the entire country. The National Institute of Public Health says the situation is unstable in several municipalities.

122,889 people were tested for the coronavirus last week. The proportion of positive tests was 2.5 percent, an increase from 1.7 percent from the previous week, FHI’s weekly report shows.

There is an increase in all counties and in all age groups. 3,073 cases were recorded, a 79 percent increase from week 43.

Oslo has the highest incidence with 181 reported cases per 100,000 population, followed by Vestland with 124 cases and Innlandet with 112. The lowest is in Agder with 26.4 for weeks 43 and 44 combined.


The epidemic is increasing significantly in several municipalities and the situation is unstable, according to FHI.

– Major efforts are needed to stop the spread. It is important with stronger measures in areas where there is a lot of spread of the infection and where the situation is unstable, they write in the report.

They ask for specific measures against groups and refer to the experience of March and the development that we are now seeing in other European countries.

The most common places where people are infected are private homes with 41% of cases, work and universities with 17% of cases and 10% in private events.

4 percent were infected in nightclubs, 3 percent through kindergarten and school, while 15 percent of cases have unknown sites of infection.
