Tax lists, Per Sandberg | Tax figures revealed ahead of time: revenue collapse for Per Sandberg


He had a difficult 2019.

Per Sandberg (60) and Bahareh Letnes (30) have left behind a relatively difficult 2019, purely financial, according to recent tax figures available from credit bureaus and obtained by Nettavisen. Some taxpayer figures will be available before the tax terms for all taxpayers are visible in December.

In 2017, Sandberg was Minister of Fisheries. Then he had an annual income of 1.75 million. He resigned from the government in the fall of 2018 after violating security regulations by taking a service phone on a private vacation trip to Iran, but continued to earn severance pay until February 2019. However, he had a drop in income from the 27 percent, up to 1.2 million crowns – in 2018.

New case

Last year, revenue fell even more. Sandberg is listed with “only” 340,000 kronor in revenue for 2019.

Maybe it’s not that strange: in May 2019, he told Nettavisen that he was registered with Nav, but hadn’t raised a penny at the time.

– My goal is, in principle, to avoid it, he said at the time.

Read also: Robbery in the bar of Per Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes

The same year he participated in Shall we dance, but broke up with his dance partner Ewa Trela ​​as the first couple. He also applied for various jobs, including director of the community development and operations department in Nordre Land, and taxi driver in Halden, before ending up as a bar owner in the same city.

The online newspaper has contacted Sandberg, who does not want to comment.

Zero in wealth

In both 2017 and 2018, he was listed with a fortune of just over 1 million crowns. It is not included in the tax figures for 2019; there he appears with zero in fortune.

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Together with his girlfriend Letnes, he opened the Grand Bar in Halden on May 15 this year.

– I must say I’m nervous, an excited Per Sandberg (60) told Nettavisen before the new bar opened.

Letnes’ income has fluctuated up and down, but has remained below 200,000 a year. In 2017 he earned 122,000, in 2018 he finished with 198,000 and last year his income fell to 87,000.

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The online newspaper has tried to contact Letnes, but has received no response.

Figures are based on tax figures obtained from a credit reporting company. The online newspaper reserves the right to appeal the figures and modify them. Normally, all tax settlement is published in November, but due to the situation of the crown, this year it has been postponed to December.

The figures that Nettavisen has published show the tax base. Actual earnings are usually somewhat higher.
