Tax lists, Kristian Monsen Røkke | The billionaire heir has become 20 times richer in a year


They are young and wealthy and they are getting richer at record speeds.

Salmon model and heir Gustav Magnar Witzøe (27) is already known as one of the richest people in Norway, but in 2019 his fortune really took off. Witzøe increased his wealth by almost 2,000 percent, from NOK 1.02 billion in 2018 to NOK 20.68 billion in 2019. This is shown in the tax figures that Nettavisen has obtained access to.

This is a clear new record in the fortune of Witzøe, who was Norway’s richest in 2016 with a fortune of NOK 11 billion.

Despite Nettavisen having access to all of last year’s tax figures, a fortune of almost NOK 21 billion is more than enough to put the 27-year-old on top of the magnificent earnings in Norway.

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By comparison, Kjell Inge Røkke was the richest person in Norway according to 2018 tax figures with a fortune of “cormorant” NOK 18.6 billion. However, the online newspaper does not yet have access to Kjell Inge Røkke’s tax figures for 2019 and therefore we do not know that Røkke will be able to defend the title against Witzøe.

20 times for Røkke junior

However, the online newspaper has access to the tax figures of Røkke’s son, Kristian Monsen Røkke (37). They show that you can enjoy an increase in wealth that in percentage terms is as great as Witzøes.

Click the pic to enlarge.  OSLO 20160830. Kristian Monsen Røkke, Executive Vice President of Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, participates in the FRONT management conference.

BIG INCREASE: Kristian Monsen Røkke.
Photo: Berit Roald (NTB)

While Røkke junior had a fortune of 19.3 million crowns in 2018, it has now grown to 398 million crowns, or a 20-fold increase in one year.

The young Røkke, who has leadership roles in his father’s Aker group, had an ordinary income (salary / income minus tax deduction) of NOK 6.7 million. It is roughly at the same level as in 2018. In 2019 there is a assessed tax of NOK 6.3 million, which is roughly double that of 2018, when it contributed NOK 3.3 million in taxes.

Strong rise for Andresen’s heirs

Heiresses to the Andresen Empire, Katharina G. Andresen, 25, and Alexandra Andresen, 24, can also point to a sharp rise in fortunes.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Katharina G. Andresen Katharina Andresen First day of work at Innovation Norway Monday 02.07.18.

Katharina G. Andresen can enjoy a fortune that has grown to about NOK 6 billion.
Photo: Farid Ighoubah / Nettavisen

Katharina’s fortune has risen to NOK 5.89 billion, based on 2019 tax figures. In 2018, the cormorants’ fortune was NOK 1.1 billion.

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She is listed with zero income in both 2018 and 2019. Thanks to wealth tax, she paid NOK 50.1 million in taxes in 2019.

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Little sister Alexandra is on his side with a fortune of 5.88 billion crowns, up from 1.07 billion crowns in 2019. She is on the list with an income of 9823 crowns, up from 2547 crowns in 2018.

Figures are based on tax figures obtained from a credit reporting company. The online newspaper reserves the right to appeal and change the figures. Normally, all tax settlement is published in November, but due to the situation of the crown, this year it has been postponed to December.

The figures that Nettavisen has published show the tax base. Actual earnings are usually somewhat higher.
