– Taken out of context – VG


OUT OF CONTEXT: Dr. Anthony Fauci tells CNN that he has not agreed to be part of a Trump announcement about how the president has handled the crown pandemic. Photo: PISCINA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA

In the USA The infection control expert believes the Trump campaign has misled viewers of the new ad into believing that it praises the president’s handling of the pandemic.

Last week, the Trump campaign released a 30-second promotional video about the president’s personal experiences with the coronavirus.

The message is that both Trump and the United States are recovering from the pandemic and that Americans need not fear the virus.

Towards the end of the video, the Trump campaign used a quote from the nation’s top infection control expert, Anthony Fauci, that makes it look like he’s praising the president’s handling of the coronavirus.

Fauci is filmed saying, “I can’t imagine anyone doing anything else.”

Seven month interview

Now the infection control expert says in an interview with CNN that he has not agreed to participate in the video and that his words have been taken out of context.

– I have never supported a political candidate during my almost 50 years of public service. The comment attributed to me without my permission was taken out of context from a statement I had a few months ago about the efforts of public health authorities, Fauci said when asked by CNN if he agreed to be mentioned in the video.

CNN writes that Fauci’s comment is taken from an interview he did with Fox News in March.

During the interview, the infection control expert was very moved by how the US task force against coronavirus had responded to the infection situation in the country.

– We have never had a threat like this. The coordinated response has been impressive (…) I am in the White House with the task force every day. So I can’t imagine that under any circumstances we could have done more, he said at the time.

Read also: Hide Trump’s tweet about immunity

Trump was not a member of the task force and, according to Newsweek, Fauci did not specifically mention him in the Fox News interview.

– Straight from the mouth of Dr. Fauci

In a message about Twitter from night to Monday, Trump comments on the case as follows:

– These are Fauci’s own words. We have done a “phenomenal” job, according to some governors. Many agree. And now comes the vaccines and the cures, long before you might believe!

Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh told NBC that the video they used in the ad is from a televised interview in which Fauci praised the work of the Trump administration:

– The words that are said are correct and directly from the mouth of Dr. Fauci.

On Sunday night, more than 7.7 million Americans were confirmed to be infected with corona and a total of 215,187 registered deaths as a result of the virus.

Trump and Fauci have previously disagreed about the contagion situation in the United States.

In July, when coronary heart disease rose in most states in the US, the infection control expert described the situation as dire.

The president thought he was wrong and said Fauci was “a bit alarmist.”

Last week, Fauci told CBS News Radio that Trump has created confusion among Americans when he described the coronavirus treatment as a “cure” for the disease.

Correction: VG first wrote that the US has a total of 9,985 registered corona deaths every Sunday night. This is incorrect and only applies to the last 14 days. A total of 215,187 deaths have been recorded in the United States. The bug was corrected on 11.10.2020 at 23.10.

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