– Take hard – VG


DEICHMAN: Oslo’s new main library may be temporarily closed to limit the spread of the infection in the capital. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

The Norwegian Health Directorate recommends that Oslo and Bergen close swimming pools, gyms, sports halls, museums and libraries.

– We believe that it is prudent, such is the situation of the infection now, says health director Bjørn Guldvog to VG.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) presented new national measures at the Storting to reduce the spread of the infection. The adjustment will be even tougher in Oslo and Bergen.

The Bergen City Council presented new measures on Thursday. There, they introduced, among other things, a ban on more than five people in private homes, a ban on home offices, and digital teaching for universities and colleges. Today’s press conference has been moved to 12 noon, where it has been announced that new measures will be taken.

In Oslo, there will be a press conference on Friday at 1:00 p.m., where there will be new stricter measures for the capital.

According to the health director, social meeting places in large cities may be closed a month in advance. The Prime Minister encourages people to stay home.

The Norwegian Health Directorate recommended that the government adopt strengthened measures for Oslo and Bergen, where infection pressure is greatest and outbreaks extend beyond municipal boundaries.

Let the big cities decide for themselves

Erna Solberg and company. Instead, it opted to let the municipalities of the two metropolitan regions decide for themselves what measures should be implemented against further spread of the infection.

The health director says a government decision would be the easiest.

– But perhaps the wisest way to achieve this is a collaboration between the government and the municipalities to achieve joint decisions in the municipalities, says the health director.

He adds that the most important thing is that stricter measures are implemented in the infected regions quickly and collectively, in order to have the best possible effect.

Health Director Bjørn Guldvog recommends that large cities take a firm stance when deciding on new measures to limit the spread of the infection. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen

The action menu for big cities

These are the measures that the government believes that municipalities in the Oslo and Bergen living and working regions should consider introducing:

  • Close or restrict activities and activities such as swimming pools, gyms, sports halls, bingo halls, museums, libraries.
  • The same applies to event venues without fixed seating and other public venues where many people gather indoors.
  • Further limit the size of multiple events.
  • Additional restrictions on restaurants, such as a full bar stop or closing at 10 p.m., to reduce the number of overnight visitors.
  • Stop at grassroots adult sports.
  • Consider stopping grassroots sports for kids and teens under 20.
  • Recommendation of a bandage in a taxi when it is recommended for use in public transport.
  • Red level in secondary schools. Middle schools should prepare for the red level.
  • Two meters away for indoor physical activity.
  • Mandatory home office.
  • Stronger recommendation to avoid public transportation.

The Norwegian Health Directorate: act vigorously

Municipalities in metropolitan regions must independently assess whether the measures are proportionate.

– The assessment may differ between Oslo and certain areas in the same urban and working region and between different parts of Oslo, says health director Bjørn Guldvog.

Encourage the municipality to consider the full list of measures, not to choose from the menu.

– Our advice is to take strong measures to reduce social mobility, which contributes to a large hidden spread of the infection. 60 percent of the infection has unknown routes.

– How long should the measurements be kept?

– We recommend such a closure for at least 14 days, probably a month, says Guldvog.

It confirms that the red level in upper secondary school may mean that classes are divided into smaller groups, receiving instruction at the school at different times of the day.

CODE: The code of art museums in Bergen, here with the Singer collection, may be temporarily closed. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB

Quiet from the libraries

Deichman, the Oslo libraries, may be affected by the austerity measures, but the library’s director, Knut Skansen, will not respond if they are preparing to close the doors.

– As long as it is compatible with good infection control to stay open, it is good that people can borrow books and movies at this time when everyone should be very isolated.

– Does the Norwegian Health Directorate believe that staying open is not compatible with good infection control?

– It is these evaluations that are made now and that will be communicated tomorrow, says Skansen on Thursday afternoon.

Bent and Raymond agree

The Norwegian Health Directorate writes that the experiences with Oslo and Bergen show that it can be demanding to ensure coordinated and fast enough follow-up in all municipalities.

– If this is left in the hands of the municipalities, therefore, it is important that mechanisms are implemented to ensure the necessary decisions, writes the address.

Health Minister Bent Høie (H) said at Thursday’s press conference that he and Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) have agreed on the tightening to come in Oslo.

– We will evaluate the measures that we introduce against the recommendations presented by the government, says in a statement from the City Council before the hardening in Oslo is presented on Friday.

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