Sweden Tightens Stockholm: Must Avoid Shopping Malls and Parties – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


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In Sweden, too, the infection has increased considerably recently. Like Norway, the Swedish health authorities are announcing new and stricter measures.

In Sweden, it is mainly the inhabitants of the Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Östergötland regions who are affected by the measures.

Here you are asked to follow these tips:

  • Do not stay indoors in public places like shopping malls, museums, libraries, swimming pools, and gyms.
  • Residents are asked not to have physical contact with anyone other than those with whom they live.
  • People are also encouraged to refrain from attending social events such as dinners and parties.

– I just found out about this and it sounds boring. But it is necessary, says Ruben Bergengren in Stockholm to SVT, who has asked the Swedes what they think about the measures.

On the street in Stockholm

Ruben Bergengren (left) in Stockholm believes that the new measures are necessary.

Photo: Screenshot: SVT

The advice also applies to events such as concerts and sporting events.

– A lot of people don’t care (the new advice). Instead, I try to think of myself, says Toi Sahlman, who wears a mask when he goes for a walk down the street.

– I don’t want to infect others, he says.

Increased spread of infection

During the last 24 hours, the number of new cases of infection registered in the country was 2,820, the highest number so far in Sweden.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said there are clear signs that the spread of the infection is increasing in Sweden during a press conference on Thursday.

– We are beginning to approach the limit of what society can handle, he said, according to SVT.

– The proportion of positive tests has increased from three to four percent to five percent. This indicates that we have an increasing spread of the infection, says Tegnell, who according to Aftonbladet threatens to close parts of public transport if the measures do not have the desired effect.

– It may be necessary to close parts of public transport and certain businesses, he says.

State epidemiologist Tegnell assists COVID-19 printers in Stockholm

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says there are signs that the spread of the infection is increasing in Sweden.

Photo: Tt News Agency / Reuters

– We must change our behavior

Maria Rotzén Östlund, a working infection control doctor in the Stockholm region, is concerned about development.

– We had an 80 percent increase in the week that just ended, he says.

– The situation is serious. We must understand that we must change our behavior so that we do not have the same conditions in hospitals that we had in March-April. The best we can do is keep a physical distance, says Östlund.

According to Östlund, healthcare workers are still exhausted after the first wave of the pandemic.

– We don’t want to end up where we were last spring, he says.

On Thursday, seven new corona deaths were reported in Sweden. Therefore, the number of deaths is 5,934. More than 121,000 people have been confirmed to be infected with the virus in the country.

However, Anders Tegnell will not implement national measures at this time.

– We believe that it is correct to work in this way, that is, to exert additional pressure in the regions where the need is greatest. But we can evaluate it later, he says.

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Full holiday flights from Sweden to Spain in crisis
