Sweden, Coronavirus | Tegnell on the Swedish health service:


The Swedish authorities have interpreted the vaccination strategy differently.

Check out the video of the press conference in the window above!

The situation in Sweden has not become less critical in recent weeks. There are still high death rates per day and many hospital admissions.

Therefore, the authorities are doing what they can to vaccinate the population at a sustainable rate. As of last Sunday, at least 80,000 Swedes had received the first dose of coronary vaccine, according to the Public Health Agency (FHM).

Half a million infected: – Critical

On Tuesday, it became clear that Sweden has as many as 506,866 corona-infected. 9,667 have died so far in the pandemic, 234 of them have been registered since Friday, figures from the Public Health Authority show.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says Sweden is now “probably in a critical phase” when it comes to what the health service can tolerate.

– It is extremely important that we follow the advice (infection control, journal.anm), he says at the press conference on Tuesday. The state epidemiologist also reminds us to avoid new close contacts.

See the latest statistics from the Public Health Agency here.

– We have it clear

News also came in Tuesday that at least 80,000 people in Sweden have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. That is almost half of the doses the country has received.

Various regions have stockpiled vaccines, to be able to have enough for the second dose. Does not recommend FHM.

– We are clear: use as much vaccine as possible, says Tegnell.

When asked what the Public Health Authority thinks about the fact that some regions have stated that they do not have the capacity to meet the need for vaccination, the health superiors relaxed.

– The general picture is that the vaccination work is going well. The signal we get is that it works, Tegnell believes.

Later, the state epidemiologist was also asked why Sweden appears to be moving towards a “lockdown”, after he himself previously stated that it does not work. There, Tegnell believes that everything depends on what you understand by confinement.

– In Sweden, we have chosen a strategy in which we observe different areas with a high spread of infection and regulate them. The word blockade has different meanings in different countries, he explains.

Get Your Questions Answered About the Crown and the Vaccine: Erna Solberg answers readers’ questions directly on Nettavisen at 7pm on Tuesday. Submit your questions here:

Ask regions to use all doses

The figure is probably even higher, as the last weekly update lacked figures for three regions, they said in a press release. However, the vaccination strategy has not gone entirely well. According to Expressen, the Tegnell Public Health Authority said the following last week.

– You should definitely use all the vaccine you have available.

Emma Spak, head of the health service in the Swedish municipalities and regions, however, has perceived the message of the Public Health Authority as vague and “unstable”. She said in late December that only half the doses should be used, so everyone is guaranteed the second dose of vaccine. However, this has been perceived differently.

Also read Torbjørn Nordvall’s blog: Sweden, not Norway, is a rotten country

– The public health authority has previously said in press conferences and meetings that regions can save doses, but now we have received a preparation. Now all regions know that the Public Health Authority recommends that all incoming doses be used for vaccination immediately, Spak tells Expressen.

The pandemilov

A temporary law against the pandemic in Sweden came into force last Sunday, giving the Swedish government expanded powers to impose restrictions.

Starting on Sunday, there will be a limit of eight participants also in private events at party and association venues and other venues that are rented, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said at a press conference last Friday.

Also read: The former top Norwegian diplomat believes that we owe a lot to Sweden

Löfven also said that stores, gyms and shopping centers that do not limit congestion can be punished with fines issued by the counties.

– The Swedish strategy has been a combination of strict rules and prohibitions, but there has been a need for a more precise law, said the Prime Minister.


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