Sweden, Coronavirus | Sweden’s new pandemic law may come into force on January 10


The Swedish government introduces a new coronal law that will grant far-reaching powers to limit the spread of the infection.

On Monday, Stefan Löfven’s government presented its proposal for a new pandemic law and proposes urgent treatment in the Swedish parliament.

– The government will have a powerful decision-making authority, said Lena Hallengren (s) about the proposal, writes Aftonbladet.

The new bill will give the Swedish government many more opportunities than current ones to take measures to limit the spread of the infection in society.

If the orders are not followed, the government proposes that the county administrative board, as the supervisory authority, can impose fines or decide to close.

You may be prohibited from meeting in a public place.

– If the proposal is approved, there may be a ban on meeting for companies of a certain size in a public place. The government may also advise municipalities to impose a ban on gatherings in public places, such as bathing places, parks or the like, Social Affairs Minister Hallengren told a press conference on Monday.

The government may also decide that restaurants, restaurants, and stores should close.

The closure decision will be submitted to the Riksdag for approval within two weeks.

– Dramatic times

Just before Christmas, when the total number of coronation deaths in Sweden surpassed 8,000, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced that the Swedish government will urgently consider proposals for a new pandemic law and will also appoint a committee to study constitutional changes with a view to future crises in times of peace.

These are dramatic times with dramatic decisions, Löfven December 22.

In early December, Swedish Culture Minister Amanda Lind said that the Swedish constitution does not provide enough space to limit coronary heart disease.

– Swedish legislation is not written to limit COVID-19, Lind said at a press conference on December 9.

More than 8,200 deaths per corona

On Monday, December 28, Sweden surpassed 8,200 crown-related deaths and 396,000 cases of infection so far. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 3,847 Swedish coronary patients have required intensive care in hospitals.


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