SV proposal to prevent new hydropower development – E24


SV supported a proposal that provides tax relief for investment in hydropower. Now the party fears destroying nature and will limit the plan to stop new development.

The Nore 1 power station in Rødberg in Nore and the municipality of Uvdal in Buskerud. Stock Photo:

Lise Åserud / NTB


According to Klassekampen, the party proposes that the tax break only applies to upgrading existing hydropower and expansions without encroaching on nature.

– We have asked the Ministry of Finance and it is perfectly possible to make that distinction, says Kari Elisabeth Kaski, SV fiscal policy spokesperson.

Espen Barth Eide, Labor Party energy policy spokesman, will not commit to supporting SV’s proposal.

– I widely share this assessment, we should not be naive now and believe that the development of hydroelectric power on a large scale does not also require the invasion of nature, he says.

The Minister of Oil and Energy, Tina Bru (H), does not like the proposal.

– It is good to have a reminder that hydroelectric energy is not a “quick fix” that can give us a lot of energy without invading nature. I have been concerned about raising this in the debate on wind energy. Beyond that, this is not a good suggestion. It will be difficult to adapt the tax system to a specific type of investment, says the minister.
