Suspects that two cabin fires have started in Askøy


No one was injured, but the cabins were completely destroyed. The police want to contact a man who was observed on a bicycle from the scene.

The two cabins were completely overheated when police and firefighters arrived on the scene Saturday night. Photo: Police

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From night to Saturday at 02.36, police and firefighters were notified of a fire in a cabin in Strusshamn in Askøy.

When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered that two cabins were on fire.

The two cabins are located about 40 meters apart, surrounded by forest, on the edge of a residential area.

– Cabins overheated

– There was no burned ground between the two cabins. Both cabins were completely overheated. There were flames through all the windows and doors when we arrived, says operations manager Stig Juvik at Askøy Fire and Rescue at BT.

Firefighters immediately began putting out the flames in one of the cabins.

After three to five minutes, firefighters from Laksevåg station also arrived on the scene and began external firefighting work in the other cabin.

No people inside

– The neighbors told us that there were no people in the cabins, but you never know. If there had been people inside, we couldn’t have done anything for them, says the task force leader in the fire service.

Smoke divers searched both huts in the early hours of Saturday morning and no people were found inside them.

At 0540 on Saturday morning, Askøy fire crews were in the process of packing up the equipment and finalizing the operation at the site.

– The extinction work began at 02.58. At 03.57, both fires were extinguished, then the fire crews carried out the subsequent extinction, says service commander Morten Frantzen at exchange 110.

This is what a cabin looks like after firefighters extinguish the fire. Photo: Askøy fire and rescue

The police will investigate the cabin fires.

– It is not natural

– There is no plausible explanation, and it doesn’t take much to understand that something has happened here. It is not natural that they start to burn. Depending on the circumstances, and especially the distance between the cabins, there is reason to believe the fires may have started, operations manager Steinar Hausvik in the West police district tells BT early Saturday morning.

According to information from the police and fire brigade, two older cabins have caught fire.

Police want to contact a man who was observed riding a bicycle from the scene immediately after police were notified of the fire.

– We have no evidence that the man on the bicycle, who was observed riding a bicycle from the scene just after the reporter called us, has anything to do with the fires, but we want to get in touch with him, says the manager police operations.

– No suspects

Police attorney Trine Frantzen tells BT that the investigation into the fires already started on Saturday night.

– For now, we have no suspects in the case. During the day, we will assess what forensic investigations we will conduct, says Frantzen.

