– Surprised that this is such important news – VG


FOUND WITH A SMILE: Referee Tom Harald Hagen during the league match between Rosenborg and Molde exactly one year ago. Photo: Ole Martin Wold

Soccer referee Tom Harald Hagen (42) receives messages from unknown coaches, players, friends, soccer players and younger people after making his gay orientation public. He himself is surprised that it has become so important.

– Yesterday I told several people that it was massive and that I had not thought about it before. But it’s good that it was massive, although I’m surprised it’s such good news. In this sense, it may indicate that it is an important topic. Today I have the feeling of “staying home,” says the judge representing Brandval IL, which belongs to North Kongsvinger.

He keeps his word and is at the head office in civil work as a referee developer in the Indre Østland football district, the next day he also chose to share with the public that he is gay in an interview with the local newspaper Glåmdalen.

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It happened the day after he controlled the elite league match between Vålerenga and Kristiansund, where KBK player Flamur Kastrati’s “sweep” against VIF coach Dag-Eilev Fagermo stole the spotlight. Now Kastrati has been suspended by the club until further notice and, in fact, Tom Harald Hagen will not be seen in the next round of the Elite Series either.

Instead, he will be the umpire guide in the second division derby between Kvik Halden and Fredrikstad, ready for promotion, but in a week and a half he will most likely lead the match again. And no matter where you are located, you will enter the game as Norway’s most acclaimed soccer referee.

– It will probably happen, haha, informs Hagen on that label.

– From what I have captured, and what has come to me directly, there have been an incredible amount of messages on all channels. Then I realized that a lot of media have leaned on it, he says.

– Are there any special comments that have affected you?

– I don’t know if I should classify someone. But it’s from many, and I really appreciate them from the people I know. There are also a lot of young people who play soccer, at least as seen in the profile photos. It is very good if I can do something for the little ones. It’s also about profiled coaches and players which I think is very nice, Hagen responds.

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The higher judge opened up about his own orientation: he receives massive support

Various support groups have also planted verbal flowers in Hagen. It is true that with a kind of reservation:

– They say they think it’s great, but also that “we’re looking forward to yelling at you again.” I think it’s a little wonderful, says Hagen with a smile.

– How do you think he will judge again after this?

– I haven’t thought about that much. What I perceived yesterday from friends was that many clubs had come out and supported him. So I think when we get to the stadium we are assigned, there will be an extra nice atmosphere then, but when we warm up, everything will be normal.

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– Did Kastrati’s comment at the match have something to do with the fact that you lined up at Glåmdalen?

– I don’t want to say it. What I said before today is that we were quite suspected not to tackle it. He would have had to, if he had listened. So it was more of a spoon kick like the one that made Glåmdalen reach me more easily, Hagen thinks.

Has been known

Hedmarkingen points out that many, both in the referee community and in elite football, know that he is gay. For this reason, Hagen does not feel the feeling of having “stood out” and says that everything came a bit spontaneously in an informal conversation with the local newspaper, which he contacted after the Kastrati case.

– As I told Glåmdalen: I am not thinking about who I love.

– What has it been like to be part of elite football for so many years, which is often accused of sexist culture and an environment in which it will be difficult to stand out?

– I have only had positive experiences. I, like most others, have played soccer and never felt trampled on or treated differently. So I hope it continues to be.

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Chief Justice Tom Harald Hagen: – I’m gay

– Have Norwegian footballers improved to avoid disparaging “gay” comments in your 15 seasons as a referee?

– I really don’t have a good answer for that. We didn’t hear the situation now, but it was clear. Daily work (as a referee consultant) shows that it is mainly the younger players who do it. But at the top level I can’t remember anyone. The tone between the players is very, very good in Norway, for the most part.

I never got excited

Hagen says he has never had the experience of receiving comments about his orientation from anyone in soccer.

– Do you think you help others – or give them courage – to open up in the same way?

– If there are people sitting there, who are afraid to do it, it would have been very nice. Statistically, there should be someone in soccer. Among young people today, I think this is something more natural, and I don’t think people are interested in being ugly. Because soon no one dares to have more counter-perceptions. This can be seen in the support I received; society punishes those who may object. And this is good.

– Have you given any thought to the statistics on the number of men who play soccer and the number of famous gays?

– No, I haven’t thought about it that much. They have asked me that they do not exist, simply because they do not dare to bet. But I think there are some who are, but have only shared it with their loved ones. And when you see the “pressure” that I have experienced today, you can understand that you do not want that attention. But overall, it will probably be positive, says Tom Harald Hagen.

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