Supermarkets, Wholesale | Kiwi cuts prices on more than 180 items:


Starting Monday, prices will be lower in Kiwi.

The supermarket chain promises that this is not a limited-time campaign.

– We had several major price cuts in 2020. We are now holding on to a new major price cut, and this time it is not a temporary cut. More than 180 items will receive a new low price on Monday, says Kristine Aakvaag Arvin, Kiwi communications manager.

You can see the full list below in the case. P.S! The online newspaper has contacted the other chains to find out how they will respond to the permanent price cuts. We will update the case as soon as we receive a response.

Returns to customers

On December 1, the government parties and the FRP agreed on the state budget. As part of the budget deal, there will be robust tax cuts for both chocolate, mineral water, beer and tobacco to reduce cross-border trade.

The total reduction of taxes on cross-border commercial products will be almost 3.7 billion and has already led to price cuts for these products on the store shelves.

– Kiwi, of course, has reduced all items for tax cuts or more. Every penny we’ve received in reduced rates goes back to customers, he says.

With a reduction in taxes and a price cut, the new price of Coca-Cola without sugar will be 0.5 liters of NOK 18.90, while 1.5 liters will drop to NOK 28.90. Among other things, snus prices rose as much as 18 percent in Kiwi, which is more than the tax cut. Most snuff boxes are now priced at SEK 79 in kiwi, compared to the previous SEK 89 or 94.

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But in addition to the tax cut, there is now a price cut on other groceries, that is, more than 180 “healthy” products that add to the cheaper prices of chocolate, beer, snuff and soft drinks.

Arvin thinks it’s clear that Norwegians don’t just buy high-tax goods when they travel to Sweden, they do all their trade there. Kiwi stores in border areas have, among other things, strong growth in many Norwegian agricultural products, such as dairy products and chicken.

– This year we have seen how much trade normally leaks into Sweden. More trade in Norway creates more jobs, and we have more than 2,000 more employees today than at the same time last year, says Arvin.

Health cuts

She says the chain also wants to make it cheaper and easier to live a healthy life.

– Several of the products are healthier alternatives, such as light cheese, skyr and light yogurt, light margarine, jam with no added sugar, whole wheat pasta, beans and fish, to name a few, he says.

Also read: Christmas sweets suddenly became twice more expensive in Kiwi than in Rema: – Time to attack

Eight items in the fruit and vegetable category also receive lower prices. The following items apply:

  • Broccoli: 12.90 crowns
  • Large handle: 24.90 crowns
  • Two-pack avocado: NOK 24.90
  • Red apples in a packet, 6 pieces: 29.90 crowns,
  • Sweet tomatoes in a cup 500 grams: 29.90 crowns
  • Carrot in cup 750 grams: 19.90 crowns
  • 2 kg of potatoes: 29.90 kr.
  • Salad packs: 19.90 crowns – Iceberg 250 grams, Romano 175 grams, Ruccula 275 grams, Mediterranean mix 100 grams

– The prices of these fruits and vegetables normally fluctuate from week to week and vary from one area to another. Now it will be the same low prices across the country, says Arvin.

In the list below, you can see which 177 items are discounted in addition to the fruits and vegetables mentioned:

– Buy more if it’s cheap

Obesity expert Jøran Hjelmesæth applauds Kiwi price cuts on healthier varieties of certain products.

– Anything that is cheap and healthy is good for public health. If it’s cheaper, people buy more. So this is good news, he tells Nettavisen.

Hjelmesæth is a professor at the University of Oslo and director of the Center for Morbid Obesity in Health South-East at Vestfold Hospital, as well as director of the National Nutrition Council. He is very concerned that Norwegians eat healthier.

– You should preferably see that they reduced the price of only healthy products and increased the price of unhealthy products. Especially sugary sodas would have been nice if they raised the price, he says.

However, he thinks it is a good thing that Kiwi is lowering the price of some varieties of soft drinks without added sugar.

– Everything that gets cheaper without sugar is good, he says.

– Bad news

However, Hjelmesæth is not particularly happy with the government’s tax cut.

– I think this is a disaster, and it is terrible that so much can be destroyed in such a short time. It is also surprising, because in every year the Finance Ministry has told us that it is so difficult to change rates, he told Nettavisen in December.

The tax cut involves playing with public health, believes the professor:

– That after a stroke of the pen they eliminate taxes on chocolate and sugar is very bad news for public health.

It didn’t turn into a seasonal price war

In April 2020, Kiwi implemented its first major price cut after the crown crisis hit Norway. Since then, they have implemented three new campaign periods with big price cuts. In October, they slashed the prices of more than 500 items by an average of 21 percent.

Despite several large price cuts in periods throughout much of last year, decent low prices were absent both before Easter and at Christmas. In previous years, price wars between the low price chains Kiwi, Rema and Extra have led to abnormally low prices for seasonal produce, but in the crown year we didn’t see any of that.

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Before Christmas, the chains received criticism from Rune Nikolaisen, who is behind, who thought they took advantage of the crown situation.

– I feel that the chains are taking advantage of the situation of the crown. It’s okay that you can defend infection rates and don’t want people to pile up, but it’s in disgust, he says.

Nikolaisen noted that this goes beyond people with bad advice.

Arvin in Kiwi defended somewhat higher prices before Christmas in 2020, compared to December 2019, saying they would rather cut the prices of hundreds of important products than a few very cheap Christmas products.

Read more here: Christmas items up to four times more expensive than last year: – Chains take advantage of the crown situation


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