Suggestions: – Parents of juvenile offenders will be expelled


– We want to implement a system in which parents are responsible. Deportation will be the most serious tool and where the boundaries should go should be investigated, says FRP Deputy Leader Sylvi Listhaug.

Listhaug heads the program committee of the Progress Party, which on Tuesday at 12 noon will present a proposal for a new program for the next term.

  • Follow the press conference directly in the video window at the top.

The program proposal will be discussed internally in the party throughout the winter and adopted at the spring national meeting.

Double penalty

In addition to being open to the deportation of parents, it is proposed that fines be imposed on parents when their children commit crimes.

– We must make parents follow their children and integrate them into society. We hear about parents who don’t know what their children are doing. If parents have a reaction, it can lead to youth not committing crimes because they want to forgive their parents. It can help discipline, Listhaug says.

In the proposal for a new party program, there are a number of measures to combat gang crime and “Swedish conditions”:

  • FRP proposes double punishment in vulnerable areas and if the perpetrator is a member of a gang.
  • If a criminal gang member commits a crime in a vulnerable area, there will be a fourfold punishment.
  • “Dot marking” as a policing method by the toughest criminals with a view to speedy incarceration.
  • Establishment of strengthened closed child welfare institutions.
  • Superior court for gang criminals.
Listhaug on Quadruple Punishment: - Absolutely King!

Listhaug on Quadruple Punishment: – Absolutely King!

– Hold parents accountable

– Development is going in the wrong direction. Parts of Oslo have significant challenges and it is spreading across the country. We see that Drammen, Lørenskog, Kristiansand also have problems with juvenile delinquents, says Listhaug, who emphasizes that most are well behaved.

– No parent can have control over their youngsters all the time. How to decide when parents have failed?

– We want to announce the beginning in this round. Reactions to parents will be relevant until the child is 18 years old. Being a parent is challenging, but it’s important that an effort be made to follow through, says Listhaug, who believes it can help sink seriousness when parents can be punished.

– In some cases, parents are unaware of raising their children. Change is inevitable.

Will protect the victims

Listhaug also calls for greater attention to crime victims. Growing environments that are destroyed, insecurity that spreads when threats of violence and theft affect entire areas.

She is based especially in Søndre Nordstrand and Groruddalen in Oslo.

– We have a responsibility to protect people. Therefore, we propose the opportunity to transfer criminals and remove them from the environment. Having separate zones with double punishment also provides a greater opportunity to crack down on crime that has taken hold, Listhaug says.

– Already today, young people from the Far East are punished more frequently than those from the Far West for, among other things, drug-related offenses, even if the use is not greater in the Far East. Doesn’t this contribute to further bias?

– The police are more present on the eastern edge because there is more crime there. Thank goodness they are. There are more shootings, use of machetes and gang settlements on the eastern edge, in this sense the police also find drugs. Even more effort is needed, Listhaug says.

KrF: – Known Listhaug method

Espen Andreas Hasle was nominated this week as the best of the Christian People’s Party in Oslo.

– The interesting thing about Listhaug’s answers is that it goes up like a lion, but falls like a trap for the skin. As soon as he is questioned how to solve this in practice, he withdraws a bit and realizes that this will not work, says Hasle, who believes that it is impossible to imagine that parents can be punished as Listhaug wants.

– SYLVI ASS UP: KrF county leader Espen Andreas Hasle in Oslo believes Listhaug cannot explain how he can implement the proposals in practice. Photograph: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB
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– This is a well-known Sylvi Listhaug method where she gets angry about things she can’t do anything in practice. Punishing children’s parents is completely unreasonable, even legally. It’s always hard to know if you understand that this doesn’t work or if you don’t understand. They are both equally bad. Again, we see rhetoric from the Frp side that is only adequate to spread negativity and stigma, says KrF’s top in Oslo.

– Is there anything in the proposals that you think is positive?

– What the FRP should have is to take crime seriously, KrF also agrees, but they have the wrong medicine. Of course, we should take development seriously, but I prefer to work hard on how we can lift the people who live in the areas she mentions out of poverty and social problems. KrF has put forward proposals for this at both the Storting and the City Hall, Hasle says.
