Student Organization in Viken Reacts to Home Schooling Counter Notification – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local News, TV and Radio


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– It’s a shame that we have to adapt to changes so often. I would like the county to become more familiar with what the recommendations entail before they choose to do what they did.

Here’s what Glemmen Upper Secondary School Student Council Leader Sander Næss says. On Monday, the counter message came from the Viken County Township. After a homeschool day, all students must return again.

The county governor has stated that the county municipality cannot ask all schools to have a home school.

On Tuesday, a student at Fredrik II Upper Secondary School in Fredrikstad was diagnosed with coronavirus. The student should not have been infected at school, but has been in school for a possible contagious period, the school writes on its website. Around 60 students and 1 teacher have been quarantined.

Viken’s student organization believes the information has been too poor and says many students are confused about the constant changes.

– I hope we can expect more predictability in the future, that’s what we need now, says leader Daniel Martinsen.

Næss says that students must adjust to having a homeschool.

– There is something about being at home and being responsible for work yourself. Then there are many who, of course, are a little more alone. It is sad and mentally requires some preparation for many of them.

Rector: – Some are a little scared

The rector of Glemmen Upper Secondary School in Fredrikstad, Pål André Ramberg, says they relate to the authorities’ guidelines.

They return to regular hours on Wednesday. He says that several students have contacted him.

Associate Professor Hans Martin Roer at Fredrik II

BACK IN THE CLASSROOM: Assistant Professor Hans-Martin Roer from Fredrik II in Fredrikstad returned to the classroom today.

Photo: Christian Nygård Monsen / NRK

– There are different opinions among the students because you read the photo of the news and some are a little afraid.

The fact that students are concerned is also noticeable at the neighboring school, Fredrik II. Associate Professor Hans-Martin Roer says that employees, students and parents alike are concerned.

– There were many students who reacted to the fact that a counter message came so quickly, because nothing has happened with the pressure of the infection since Thursday. It is still noisy.

In the last two weeks, 190 people have been diagnosed with infection in Fredrikstad. On Monday night, after news broke that schools would reopen, 34 new cases were identified. On Tuesday, the municipality reported 32 cases.

– Fortunately we have escaped many infections here at school, but there are many who are concerned among parents and students, and probably also among employees.

In close dialogue with the municipalities

Viken County Principal Solveig Helene Olsen understands that it is demanding on students.

– We have a great understanding that this is confusing and that it was demanding for the students to have to adapt so quickly to the new decisions.

On Tuesday, Viken had a meeting with the Oslo County Governor and Viken, the county medical officer, the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Education. Here they have talked about the situation and the measures in the schools.

– The important thing now is that all students follow the messages of their own school. It is the municipalities that determine the level that is applied to infection control, and we have a close dialogue with them about it, says Olsen.
