Storting majority prohibits cousin marriage – VG


MAJORITY TODAY: FRP’s Per-Willy Amundsen believes that today’s decision in the Justice Committee at the Storting will improve integration in Norway. Photo: Tore Kristiansen

A majority in the Storting’s justice committee voted Thursday to ban cousin marriages. They also advocated that parents avoid female genital mutilation and forced marriage. The Labor Party and the Green Party celebrate the victory.

APS integration policy spokesperson Siri Gåsemyr Staalesen says it is a major victory that there is a majority in favor of banning cousin marriages.

– This has been a major battle for the Labor Party and a breakthrough for women’s freedom and the right to choose who to live with. When there is also a large majority to fight against forced mutilation and forced marriage, then we can celebrate a great victory of equality policy, which will give women much more freedom, especially immigrant women, she says.

CELEBRATE: APS integration policy spokesperson Siri Gåsemyr Staalesen says it is a great victory for gender equality in Norway. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes

It is also celebrated in Frp.

– Today we have achieved two important victories. We have been fighting for a ban on cousin marriage since the early 2000s. It has been too common in parts of the immigrant community to pick up a family spouse in the country of origin, says the FRP spokesperson in the committee, Per-Willy Amundsen to VG.

What tipped the majority was that the Center Party supported the proposal.

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– The second victory is that an almost joint committee, outside of SV, is in favor of the duty to prevent female genital mutilation and forced marriage. This means that parents can be punished if they do not stop female genital mutilation and forced marriage.

– Better integration

He adds:

– This is a very important measure for better integration. Cousin marriage, female genital mutilation, and forced marriage take place and contribute to closed cultures in parts of the immigrant population. These conditions counteract integration and we are very happy that a majority in the Storting is now in favor of these legislative changes.

Today, there is only a duty to prevent that certain occupational groups, such as health professionals and teachers, have a legal duty to prevent genital mutilation.

– The fact that parents are now prosecuted if they do not prevent their children from being subjected to genital mutilation is a big and important step in preventing children from being exposed to something so cruel, says Amundsen.

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Staalesen says it was they who came up with the proposal.

– Previously, only the Labor Party and the Green Party have been in favor of such a ban. Over the course of seven years, the FRP failed to achieve this in a government position. We also record that Abid Raja obviously has no influence on the ruling Venstre party, he says.

Raja has previously supported a ban on cousin marriages.

Right: – Fuck

In August, VG wrote that the Conservative Party’s program committee also wants such a ban.

On Thursday, conservatives support the proposal for a duty of care for parents regarding genital mutilation and forced marriage, but for technical reasons they oppose the proposal to ban marriages between cousins.

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– It is high time that not only certain professional groups have a duty to prevent genital mutilation and forced marriage. Now parents also have a legal duty to prevent children from being exposed to this bastard, says the Conservative spokesman on the justice committee, committee deputy Peter Frølich.

– But did you vote against banning cousin marriages, even though you are in favor of the ban?

Yes, it may seem a bit strange after the Conservatives’ program committee unanimously agreed on the ban. But we cannot simply launch into proposals at the Storting without proper consideration and consultation. Therefore, we are waiting for a bill and a full decision basis from the government. The government is working on that now.

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The leader of the Norwegian Immigration Forum, Athar Ali, has previously been negative to the ban.

– I do not think it is correct to prohibit marriage between cousins. It must be based on voluntariness. Of course, I am opposed to any kind of coercion and pressure. But having said that, I think people should be able to choose for themselves who they are going to marry, Ali told NRK this summer.

The Oslo police have previously stated that they want a ban.

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