Storting Hege Haukeland Liadal (Labor Party) member charged with serious fraud


The case is up to date

By Eirik Husøy and Alexander Vestrum

“The case has been sent to the Oslo Public Prosecutor’s Office with a proposal that an indictment be brought against Liadal for serious fraud against the Storting related to 22 travel expenses in the period 2016-2018. The prosecutor will now decide whether there is a basis to prosecute Liadal for these circumstances, “the Oslo police district said in a press release.

It was Haugesunds Avis who first reported the accusation.

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It may be a matter of confession

Liadal admits criminal guilt for gross negligence fraud, but not for gross intentional fraud, his lawyer Erik Lea tells Aftenposten.

The first has a maximum penalty of one year, while the second has a penalty of six years.

– There are two more likely possibilities. If the prosecutor believes that there is a serious intentional fraud here, he will go to the main hearing in the Oslo District Court. If the prosecutor agrees with my allegations that it is gross negligence fraud, then there may be a charge based on this and a case of confession, Lea told the newspaper.

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Tajik: serious

– It is serious when such an accusation is made, says Labor MP Hadia Tajik in a written comment to NTB.

– It is extremely important that elected representatives properly manage community funds. We want to deal with Hege as a colleague and have no further comment on this now, adds the Deputy Labor leader.

Labor MP Hadia Tajik on the Storting rostrum recently. Photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

The case has been in the hands of the police for 17 months after the Storting denounced the Rogaland Storting representative in April 2019.

Aftenposten has revealed that Liadal has for several years submitted false travel invoices to the Storting, covered private travel and declared longer distances in the correct driving allowance applications.

Liadal has always expressed that he did not do it on purpose, but that it is about mistakes and misunderstandings.

700 travel expenses examined

The investigation has been complex and time consuming, according to police. A total of around 700 travel invoices have been reviewed, which have been reviewed separately and individually.

“This has necessarily taken time and means that the investigation has differed significantly from Mazyar Keshvari’s. Keshvari also acknowledged the circumstances at the beginning of the questioning, the Oslo police wrote in a press release.

Former parliamentary representative Mazyar Keshvari (Frp) was recently sentenced to 11 months in unconditional prison in the Supreme Court. Aftenposten also reported him for submitting false travel invoices.

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