Støre takes a look at Solberg – VG


A LITTLE BIGGER: Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

Most want Erna Solberg as prime minister. But Jonas Gahr Støre has become a bit more popular.


Prime Minister Erna Solberg emerges victorious from another prime minister poll. Up to 52 percent will give the Conservative leader their confidence for four new years.

In the Prime Minister’s poll, VG has asked people to choose between Solberg and Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre, and between the two and SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.

When only Solberg and Støre are alternatives, 38 percent say they want Støre. That’s a small jump of 35 percent in January.

At the same time, Solberg loses three percentage points in the same period.

– I take these measures lightly, says Støre to VG.

– If I have to look at something, it’s a raise. The sum of Trygve and I confirms it. But it is politics that is most important. That is what we are voting for.

Vedum and Støre are larger

Together, Støre and Vedum are larger than Solberg, when all three are alternatives:

  • 41 percent prefer Erna Solberg
  • 26 percent prefer Jonas Gahr Støre
  • 19 percent prefer Trygve Slagsvold Vedum

Støre is two percentage points more popular than in January, while Vedum is increasing by one percentage point. At the same time, a little less not sure who you prefer.

– I think it’s very nice with good feedback on the handling. I am happy for the support, something else would be very strange, says Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H).

– People see the long lines

– In March VG Prime Minister’s poll, it gets as much support as in January, 41 percent, despite Molde Rapporteurs Y press conferences. Just tolerate everything?

– Yes, or people see the long lines in politics and not the short-term bubbles. There are some debates that politicians should always remember that most people in Norway don’t really think is that important, Solberg tells VG.

Labor leader Støre emphasizes that these are not the numbers that matter most to him.

– It is to show that we need a new power of action to ensure people’s work, that we must say no to the privatization of hospital and social services and strengthen the well-being of the community, he says.

BIGGEST TOGETHER: Erna Solberg is the most popular, but Jonas Gahr Støre or Trygve Slagsvold Vedum want more. Photo: Terje Pedersen

– And that we must have a fair climate policy. That is my mission and for that I use my energy.

– Is it a problem for the Labor Party that you as a person are not more popular?

– It often happens that whoever leads a party is also linked to the support that a party receives, in relation to where it will be. I’ve experienced ups and downs, says Støre, adding:

– The most important thing for me is that the Labor Party rises towards the elections. So I know that what voters want are issues that mean something in their daily lives, and they get it with us.

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– It’s not about me

The leader of the SP, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, will not talk about the prime minister’s poll, but about the party’s polls.

– We have been high in measurements over time, and I think it is a matter of fact, he tells VG.

Vedum lists issues such as Norwegian ownership of natural resources, electricity taxes, and fuel prices.

– But is it good that a fifth prefers you?

– Sp measurements have been high for a long time. It’s not about Solberg, Støre or me, it’s about the cases. Politics is not a solo game, it is teamwork.

– But is it good that they like you specifically?

– It’s not about me as a person. I am the team leader.

– So you want to be prime minister?

– The fact is that there is too much discussion about positions and parties, but the most important thing is what we want with Norway.
