Stop student practice after infection in Førde


The outbreak in Førde originates from the student community, believes the municipal superior. All student practice in health institutions is stopped.

The Sunnfjord municipal chief no longer believes that the Førde climbing center is the starting point of the outbreak. Photo: Førde climbing center

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– We now believe that this is an outbreak in the student community, not in the climbing center. Of the students who are infected, only half have been to the climbing center, says municipal chief doctor Øystein Furnes in Sunnfjord municipality.

On Tuesday, Sunnfjord Township reported 13 new infections in one day and a total of 27 new infections in one week. This is the most the municipality has had so far in the pandemic.

On Wednesday morning there are five new positive samples from the municipality.

– We analyzed 470 samples. This means that 1.3 percent of the samples were positive. The day before it was above five percent, says Furnes.

– Okay, he adds.

Environment mapping

The Førde climbing center closed its doors after many infected people passed by and the climbing center was thought to be the starting point of the infection.

After intense work on Tuesday, Furnes concluded Tuesday night that the outbreak is rooted in the student community.

– We have now stopped all student internships for University College, both in the municipality and in Helse Førde, until we have mapped the student environment correctly, says Furnes.

– How are you going to do it?

– We have to map the environment and evaluate many students. Some don’t have such close contact with the student community, but if you live in a collective in the student community, it’s something else, says Furnes.

Infection in nursing homes

Both the nursing homes and hospitals in Førde are already affected by the infection situation. One person at Førde hospital is infected, Firda writes, and nine people define themselves as close contacts.

On Tuesday, 19 Helse Førde employees were in home quarantine because they were sick or quarantined due to corona. On Wednesday morning, the number rose to 34, according to the health authority. A total of several hundred people in Førde are under quarantine due to the outbreak.

– Both hospitals and nursing homes have received it in their institutions, and now we cannot take any risk. Therefore, we stop the placement of students now for a period, says municipal chief doctor Øystein Furnes.

The University College of Western Norway confirms that eight students at Førde tested positive.

