Steps Away From Controversial Practice By Hiring Church Staff – NRK Sørlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


– I am very happy about this and it is a great change. This is what Agder diocesan council leader Kai Steffen Østensen says.

On Monday, the diocesan councils of Agder and Telemark were to decide whether it should still be possible to obtain and emphasize information on how to coexist in the new appointments.

The core of the case was a 2016 decision, which establishes that the following wording will be included in the texts calling for vacancies:

“Special requirements can be established for the form of coexistence in accordance with article 30 of the Law on gender equality and discrimination.”

Østensen wanted to eliminate this and expected a majority for it.

However, with five to five votes, he had to use his double vote to get what he wanted.

– Someone is married to someone of the same sex. I think there shouldn’t be a discussion when there should be a generous church, says Steffensen.

Skeptical bishop

The Bishop of Agder and Telemark Stein Reinertsen, was skeptical about changing the decision.

He justifies this with the fact that the sentence discussed contains much more than same-sex marriage.

– Do you mean that when deleting this only one view in the church is taken into account?

– Not necessarily, but if there is to be room for two views in the church, there must also be room to act in both views. Those who want same-sex marriage should be allowed to work for it, while those who disagree should be allowed to act from their point of view, she says.

Stein Reinertsen

Bishop of Agder and Telemark Stein Reinertsen.

Photo: Anne Wirsching / NRK

Different practices

The eleven dioceses of the country have different practices when it comes to appointments.

While most have moved away from asking for information on how to coexist, others have chosen to continue with this practice.

After the dioceses of Agder and Telemark have also chosen a new path, only the dioceses of Stavanger, Bjørgvin and Møre will continue to want information on how to coexist.

In Møre, a similar case became known last week.

Most maintained the practice of obtaining information on how to coexist in new appointments, Sunnmørsposten writes.

Six voted in favor of the continuation. Four would walk away from him.

The issue is also relevant in the diocese of Bjørgvin.

– The diocesan council members have requested that the new council discuss this. “I have complied with this by preparing the case,” says Bjørgvin diocesan council leader Vemund Atle Øiestad.

– How difficult is this case?

– I can’t consider that until the city council has considered the case, he says.

Øiestad says the case was mounted this week, but postponed due to the crown situation in Bergen.

Vemund Atle Øiestad

Bjørgvin diocesan council leader Vemund Atle Øiestad says his council will also tackle a case similar to that of Agder and Telemark.

Photo: private

The Work Environment Law

According to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, the Work Environment Act prohibits discrimination in employment on the grounds, inter alia, of sexual orientation, but there are exceptions.

This applies to positions in companies that have a religious outlook.

If information on sexual orientation is desired, this should be stated in the job advertisement.
