Steinkjer’s fiery souls created the fitness offering that has led large numbers of people to travel – NRK Trøndelag – Local News, TV and Radio


– The best thing that happened to me in Steinkjer in my memory, say the people we met on the hiking trail to Oftenåsen this Sunday morning.

People smile and wave, children run to the front. Parents easily reach the heel notch. This is the mountain hike that for many is very pleasant, easy to prepare, that does not require a full backpack and hours of preparation.

Asbjørn Mathisen

ADMINISTRATOR: Asbjørn Mathisen is the leader of a volunteer group of several hundred people.

Photo: E vivos Aabakken / NRK

– From the start in the Skotvoldgruva car park until you are at the top and back in the car, it doesn’t have to take more than a little over an hour, says Asbjørn Mathisen.

He is the boss of the friends of Oftenåsen, the gang that has transformed the secret training area of ​​the Armed Forces into a paradise for all kinds of hikers. Now Burning Souls are nominated for the Trøndelag Everyday Hero of the Year award. A selection made by Adresseavisen and NRK Trøndelag.

Hiking trails, beacon hut, solid lawn chair, and magic path

It started with hiking trails about twenty years ago. Trails were dug, drained, laid on canvas and covered. After twenty years, and probably several million trimmers, the trails are still just as pretty and dry.

– We estimate that between 150,000 and 200,000 people use the trail network here each year, says Svein Olav Bruun. The retired policeman is the main engine of the hiking trails.

He and the rest of the trail group have built and maintained nearly 17 miles of trails.

In relation to the hiking trails, and as a destination for the trip, the old survey hut of the Armed Forces on the top of the mountain has also been rehabilitated. A sturdy lawn chair has been built, as well as a wooden figured troll path along two paths.

Oftenåsen's friends

DAILY HEROES: Asle Øksnes (fv), Hans Jacob Rostad, Vigdis Rannem Rostad, Svein Olav Bruun and the rest of the gang of Oftenåsen’s friends in Steinkjer have created a fitness offering that people use both on weekends and on weekends. week days.

Photo: E vivos Aabakken / NRK

Dry blinds to the top

NRK has made the trip on the first Sunday of Advent. There is frost on the trees, frost on the ground and a lot of people on the way up or down from Oftenåsen.

In Peilehytta, at the top, the Sund Hougen family has their annual working day on Sunday with waffle baking and coffee sales.

– A lot of nice people have passed by, a great way to spend the first Sunday of Advent, Father Olav smiles behind the waffle press, while Mother Nina organizes the sale.

The Moan Grøtan family is also traveling.

– This must be the most visited hiking trail in Steinkjer, many thousands a month are here and it is fine, smiles Father Marius Grøtan.

– Would the area have been so used without the work that has been done?

– Definitely not. Some facilitation is required for many to get out. Not least for families with children, this is a great attraction, says mother Tone Moan.

Traveling to Oftenåsen

WELL ORGANIZED: The Moan Grøtan family has made the journey from Beitstad and boasts of well organized hiking trails.

Photo: E vivos Aabakken / NRK
