Stavrum and Eikeland | Linn looked death in the eye:


In April, he went to Italy to help: – Covid-19 is more than just the flu. It gives a desperate and claustrophobic feeling.

ER Nurse Linn Myhrstad has been nominated for this year’s name at Nettavisen. Not only in his own name, but also as a representative of a professional group that has been at the forefront of the fight against covid-19.

In April, Myhrstad went with a medical team to Bergamo in Italy to help the congested Italian health service. They were long, hard days with seriously ill patients and meetings with relatives who were not allowed to visit their dying relatives in hospital.

– A ghost town

On the Stavrum & Eikeland podcast, he tells about his brutal encounter with the European epicenter of covid-19 in April.

– It was like arriving in a ghost town. They walked with an iPad to communicate with the families of the sick.

The 2020 pandemic year has been intense. Many have suffered serious illnesses and the death of close relatives. Others have struggled with unemployment, social isolation, loneliness, and financial worries.

This year, some have stood up and taken responsibility on behalf of all of us. In this situation, Norwegian healthcare workers contributed much more than can be expected from ordinary professionals.

This is how he faced death

When asked if Health Minister Bent Høie can do something to improve the daily lives of Norwegian health workers, the message is clear: – Increase our salary.

She is a strong and emotional emergency nurse who recounts her difficult encounter with covid-19 and death, and how she managed to return home after the most difficult shifts.

This and much more at Stavrum & Eikeland. You can listen to the podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and Acast.


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