State Budget 2021 – Races Against Frp:


It is not just FRP leader Siv Jensen who is disappointed with the budget agreement between the government and FRP parties presented tonight:

– After weeks of arguing, this divorce settlement ends when the government and the FRP agree to cheaper alcohol and resort to not cutting refugee quotas and aid. These negotiations have not focused on what we can do for those who have been laid off or for companies on the brink of bankruptcy, says Eigil Knutsen, Labor Party tax policy spokesman.

– a betrayal

Also further to the left is the resentment that is felt:

– This is a betrayal of all those who now needed the government and the FRP to defend them, says Rødt’s deputy leader Marie Sneve.

Among the main points of the budget unit are the reduction of alcohol taxes, the reduction of tolls, more for retirees and even 3,000 quota refugees.

– The right shows that it cannot handle the unemployment crisis. We must fight unemployment, not the unemployed. Rødt will continue to work for specific crisis packages with measures for workers, employment and the environment. Here the government and large established parties fail, continues Sneve.

It's much cheaper

It’s much cheaper

– black

Older brother SV is also informed about Erna Solberg’s recent state budget for 2021.

– Answered and antisocial, sums up the vice-leader of SV, Kari Elisabeth Kaski.

Like Rødt, he expected greater generosity from the government towards those who are struggling in the face of the crown crisis.

– This is the day that FRP left most of the people. While we are in an economic crisis, several industries desperately ask for help and tens of thousands are in danger of losing their jobs, the ruling parties and the FRP have not wanted to make life easier for those who face Christmas without knowing if they have a job . . They have not rectified the government’s antisocial cuts or given people more to worry about in the coming year.

ANSWER: This is Kari Elisabeth Kaski's description of the budget that will govern Norway in 2021. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

BEKSVART: This is Kari Elisabeth Kaski’s description of the budget that will govern Norway in 2021. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix
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Eight FRP members voted against

Many in Frp were also unhappy. Eight members of the party’s parliamentary group voted no to the budget agreement and were willing to overthrow the Erna Solberg government rather than accept the agreement.

– They are not doing enough to get us out of the crisis. They could save the nightlife industry, allow people who are out of work to get vacation pay next year, or spend billions to invest in new green jobs and fix the climate crisis. Instead, Frp seems more concerned with making life more difficult for Kjell Ingolf Ropstad than with saving people’s jobs, Kaski says.

Erna could have lost her job

Erna could have lost her job

Drunken sailors around the king’s table

On the MDGs, criticism is also harsh. The party reacts, among other things, to the fact that the FRP has gained support for prioritizing refugees from Christian quotas and does not like even more money being spent on the highways.

– The government uses the billions as drunken sailors. Think of all we could have done for the environment, justice and green jobs with $ 22 billion. Now they are making it cheaper to buy a fossil car and spend two billion on tolls, rather than abandoning expensive roads. It creates more pollution and climate change, says Une Bastholm, party leader on the MDGs.
