Spain closes again


Spain is reintroducing a state of emergency in the country due to the increase in corona infection.

As of Sunday, there is now a curfew between 11pm and 6am throughout the country, except the Canary Islands, writes the AP news agency.

Regional authorities also have the option of further extending the curfew, closing regional borders, and limiting the number of people who can meet without living together to six people.

“The reality is that Europe and Spain are in the middle of the second wave of the pandemic,” Sánchez said.

– We live in an extreme situation. It is the most serious situation in the last half century, he said.

- Three times more infected than in March

– Three times more infected than in March

In the spring

The important newspaper El País writes that the Prime Minister’s intention is to leave the state of emergency until May 9.

The previous state of emergency lasted from March to June, when the infection was deemed controlled.

An attempt to impose a curfew in Madrid has previously been stopped by a court, when it was ruled unconstitutional.

- Out of control

– Out of control

Increased infection

Recently, the number of cases of infection in the country has increased considerably. Spain became the first country in Europe to exceed one million registered cases of contagion on Thursday, and has confirmed 1,046,132 cases since the start of the pandemic.

In all, nearly 35,000 people have died of coronary heart disease in the country, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Prime Minister Sánchez said at a press conference on Sunday that the goal is to reduce the infection pressure to less than 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, El País writes.

They now have an infection pressure of just under 400, according to figures from the European Infection Control Agency ECDC.
