Sp sounds the alarm about the air ambulance contingency in the north


The reason is a growing number of covid-19 cases in Troms and Finnmark. Borch notes that the air ambulance service three weeks ago terminated the contract with the covid-19 helicopter that was supposed to help northern Norway with assignments.

Borch believes that the government is failing once again in northern Norway. She demands that the Conservatives and the government now address the situation and sign a new contract with the covid-19 helicopter.

– We are in a serious pandemic. We are entering a difficult season and we know how dependent Northern Norway is on air ambulances, as usual. We have never relied so much on planes and helicopters as now, so I think the government should step in and place a covid-19 helicopter in northern Norway, he tells NTB.

According to Borch, the air ambulance service signed a contract with a Danish plane with Danish personnel that will help northern Norway during the pandemic, but she believes this is a bad solution.

– The Danish plane cannot land at most of the small airports in Troms and Finnmark, says the parliamentary representative.
