Sp more than double that of Frp in Nettavisen survey


The Progress Party is down 4.5 percentage points since November to a weak record of 8.8 percent, according to the poll. It is lower than Siv Jensen’s party was before he left the government in January, even though the party has received a lot of publicity in relation to the government negotiations.

Sentio has never measured a Frp as low as this. There are only three of our previous measurements where they have received less than 10 percent support, says Martin Stubban of Sentio to Nettavisen.

Had there been elections today, the FRP would have lost 10 of its 27 representatives.

At the same time, Sp gets 18.4 percent support. Four years ago, it was considered a lurid goal to become bigger than Frp. Now they are more than double in Nettavisen’s opinion poll.

In the poll, the Conservatives are still Norway’s largest party with 26.5 percent support, followed by the Labor Party with 22.4 percent.

Support from all parties in December poll for Sentio for Nettavisen (change from November in parentheses): Labor 22.4 (+0.5), Frp 8.8 (-4.5), Conservatives 26.5 (+ 1.5), KrF 3.4 (-0.8), Red 3.96 (+0.6), Sp 18.4 (+2.0), SV 7.0 (-0.6), V 2.9 (-0.2), ODM 3.98 (+0, 5), Others 2.6 (+1.0)

In the poll, 1,000 people were asked why they would vote if there were parliamentary elections tomorrow. The poll was conducted from November 24 to 29 and has a margin of error of 1.2 to 3.2 percent.
