Sp bigger than Labor in another party poll


Sp leads by a solid 4.4 percentage points in the poll.

Thus, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum’s party is larger than the Labor Party, which has 21.8 percent support, 1.4 percentage points more.

This is the first time that Sp has beaten the Labor Party in an opinion poll and the best result Sp has ever achieved.

– It is a completely exceptional situation that the Center Party has caught up with the two traditionally large parties in Norwegian politics. They have grown more than I ever thought they could, election researcher Johannes Bergh from the Department of Social Research tells FriFagbevegelse.

According to FriFagbevegelse, Sp gets voters from all parties on the right and left, with the exception of Rødt.

Just ahead of Sp is the Conservative Party, which is down 1.7 percentage points to 22.9 percent. The Progress Party lags far behind the three main parties with support of 10.9 percent, an increase of 0.1 percentage points.

All other parties return to the poll, and the support is as follows (November change in parentheses): SV: 6.9 (-1.2), ODM: 4.5 (-0.5), Red: 3 .8 (-0.3), KrF: 3.4 (-0.8), Left: 2.4 (-1), Other: 1.3 (-0.2).
