Soon you will have to pay by PayPal


PayPal introduces an annual fee of £ 9, which equals 105 kroner at the current exchange rate, for accounts that have not been active for a year.

The change is made on December 16, and if you have a balance in your PayPal account, you can deduct up to 9 pounds. If the balance is less than 9 pounds, the remaining amount will be deducted.

However, this only applies to accounts that have been inactive for the past year, and PayPal uses inactive for accounts that have not sent, received or withdrawn money or are not signed in.

In the future, PayPal will notify inactive users 60, 30 and 7 days in advance.

6 reasons why you should also pay with Paypal

6 reasons why you should also pay with Paypal

How to escape

Fortunately, the annual fee is easy to avoid.

First, log into your account if you haven’t logged in for a while. If it has been more than a year since you were active on PayPal, you should make sure to log in before midnight tomorrow, that is, before 11:59 PM on December 15.

You can also transfer any PayPal balance to your bank account as accounts with zero or less balance will not be debited.

If you haven’t signed in for a while and don’t really need PayPal, you can choose to delete the account. To do so, log in to PayPal online, not possible through the mobile app, and select “Close account” in the account settings.
