“Someone suddenly woke up …”


‘… the message is that Norway will not stop the proposed sale. Have a great weekend, we stay in touch. “

On two occasions, a director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) at one of Rolls-Royce’s central summits indicated that the Norwegian authorities would not stop the sale of the Bergen Engines engine factory.

It was Bergens Tidende who first revealed the secret messages.

The communication took place on Facebook, and it is clear that the director and the top of Rolls-Royce know each other.

Informal contact

On January 8, at 3:16 p.m., the hood of the Rolls-Royce receives this message from the director:

“As it is, there is no legal basis for us to stop the sale.”

The exchange of messages occurs before, during and after the attempted sale of the engine factory, although the case was no longer subject to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The tone is formal and the Rolls-Royce top repeatedly asks for advice on how to handle sales.

Maintains ships of defense

Rolls-Royce, owner of the Bergen Engines engine factory, wanted to sell the factory to the Russian company TMH.

Among other things, the factory supplies engines and spare parts for defense ships for Norway and other NATO countries.

Several Coast Guard ships and the top secret Armed Forces spy ship FS “Marjata” receive parts from the factory.


CLIENT: KV “Harstad” and several other Coast Guard ships have Bergen Engines diesel engines. Three new boats with engines from the Bergen factory will also be delivered. Photo: NTB

The fear that defense technology could end up in the hands of the Russians made many people shudder. But only after the sale became known through Bergens Tidende articles.

– These messages confirm that there have been messages from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Rolls-Royce that the sale could happen, and that no one has addressed the matter before it was known in the media.

This is what Emilie Enger Mehl, parliamentary representative for Spain, says to TV 2.

IT COULD HAPPEN: The representative of the SP, Emilie Enger Mehl, believes that the reports confirm that no one had taken up the case before it was known in the media.

IT COULD HAPPEN: The representative of the SP, Emilie Enger Mehl, believes that the reports confirm that no one had taken up the case before it was known in the media. Photo: Nico Sollie / TV 2

“Someone suddenly woke up …”

As pressure on the government mounted, both through media reports and from the opposition in the Storting, the head of Rolls-Royce wrote to the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

“There is much greater interest from the media and I understand that questions are now being asked at the Storting.”

The director then responds:

“Yes. Someone suddenly woke up …»

On March 9, Justice Minister Monica Mæland will suspend the sale.

Are they throwing us under the bus?

Although the sale has been suspended, the two continue to communicate via Messenger and by phone.

March 19 The hood of the Rolls-Royce sends this message:

“Sorry to bother you. Do you think tomorrow we’ll jump under the bus for a proposal that it was never relevant to approve the sale?”

On March 23, it is clear that the government will stop the sale of Bergen Engines, but no one is aware of the exchange of messages between the Foreign Ministry and Rolls-Royce.

– It shouldn’t have happened

Only on Friday of last week, Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide learned that one of its directors had contacted Rolls-Royce via Messenger.

- This contact should not have happened, says Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide

– This contact should not have happened, says Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide Photo: Thomas Evensen / TV 2

– This communication should not have happened, since the case was referred to other ministries and is no longer subject to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, says Eriksen Søreide on TV 2.

– This is a contact that has a personal touch, and the communication is not an expression of the attitudes of the Norwegian authorities in the process. The contact has had no effect on the government’s decision to stop the sale.

However, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Justice informed the Storting of the reports.

– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now reviewing our routines, says Eriksen Søreide.
