Solberg and Støre meet for US “presidential debate” – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


– 18 percent is deplorable for me, said Jonas Gahr Støre during Thursday’s edition of Debatten, referring to bad polls lately.

The Labor Party recently received its lowest poll in the TV 2 poll. Jonas Gahr Støre’s party received a record support of 18.4 percent.

Thus, the Labor Party is almost on par with the Center Party, which received 16.2 percent in the poll.

– How do you interpret that it is impossible to get out of Trygve Slagsvold Vedum who you want as a candidate for prime minister? Solvang asked.

– He promotes the Center Party, while I promote the Labor Party, says Støre.

Fredrik Solvang

Fredrik Solvang invited to an American edition of Debatten.

Photo: Bjørnar Hjellen / NRK

– successful

He rejects that Vedum can be relevant as a candidate for prime minister in a collaboration between the parties.

-I am a candidate for prime minister, and that is what I intend to use the time for the elections, he says.

The Conservatives occupy the largest party position with a support of 27.4 percent. But the ruling parties are far from a majority.

– If we look at the opinion polls, both KrF and Venstre were above the threshold, so I am optimistic.

– I do not want to say that I live on the mercy of the FRP, Solberg commented.

– My project is successful, it will be more successful if we sit down for another period, he summarized.

American debate

Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Jonas Gahr Støre met in what was a sort of Norwegian version of the American presidential debates.

This means, among other things, that candidates were given a measured airtime in their speeches.

Three main topics were discussed. There were taxes, health, and political partners.

– It’s a dispute over the usual prime minister duels, Solvang said before the broadcast.
