Solbakken rages against the old club


Shocking news came in early October that Ståle Solbakken had been fired from FC Copenhagen after a total of 13 years as the club’s head coach.

Now Solbakken is furious against the old club in an interview with Danish TV 3 Sports. In the interview, he makes it clear that he is angry that the kicks were not face to face, but over the phone. He himself assures that the club has been “pissed off” with everything he has done for the club.

– I had no plans to sit here, but what happened after the dismissal is that we had an agreement not to speak afterwards – that agreement has been broken by the other party, Solbakken explains why he is now attacking the old club. and continues:

– It is important that the truth comes out. The presentation was not correct. I have received many inquiries, it has been exhausting. That is why it is important that I tell you my unmade version

Solbakken says he received the phone call that ended while he was in Norway.

Crisis night

Crisis night

– It takes place while I am in Norway, where I receive a phone call on Friday October 9th or 10th. I think Bo Rygaard should tell what was said in the conversation, says Ståle Solbakken on TV3 +.

The former FCK manager believes that the club has not told the whole truth.

– You can think of “administrative words” without content, where you do not tell the whole truth. It’s hard to find words for him, but they get a little pissed off at everything I’ve done, and in the post-game time they’ve talked a lot. Not just about me, but about the entire organization and the fantastic people on the training ground, says Solbakken, who during parts of the interview had to hold back tears.

Solbakken concludes that he believes that the management lacks the necessary football experience and that they do not have what it takes to draw general strategic lines.
