So this is the thanks, Erna – VG


So this is the thank you, Erna.

TIGHTEN: Erna Solberg doesn’t want you to meet more than five privately outside of the family. Photo: Terje Bendiksby

Politicians thank us for our efforts against the crown. With even more austerity.

This is a comment. The comment expresses the attitude of the writer.

Actually, it’s not a shame for us Norwegians. We have the lowest infection rates in Europe. And we have the softest measurements. Sweden, for example, which is portrayed as indifferent to the crown, has had stricter measures than us since June.

Kind measures and getting infected really shouldn’t work.

When Erna Solberg still squeezes, it’s because everyone around us does. And that the number of hospital admissions has increased somewhat.

In Belgium, doctors warn that they are exhausted and that hospitals are full. To avoid that in Norway, we have to squeeze in before the nurse stands there with a respirator in one hand and five patients in the other.

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But when is it exactly?

The autumn wave in Europe has so far been less dangerous than the spring wave. Although the infection has increased in the last three months, few have been hospitalized and even fewer have died.

The infection is beginning to be felt in hospitals in Europe, but mortality is still low. The reason is that most young people are infected and rarely get sick. At the same time, we test many more and doctors save more.

The danger is that the infection spreads to the elderly and infirm. And while being Norwegian isn’t that difficult, it’s nothing special to have to stay home, avoid friends, and have as few visitors as possible.

The fact that “crown 2” is hitting so lightly also makes it harder to get people to stop associating. When the streets were empty this spring, it was because many were terrified. Now we don’t have terrifying images of Bergamo or mass graves in New York.

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In September, a survey showed that about 60 percent of those who have been quarantined in Norway have breached the provision.

Therefore, compliance is miserable. And then it is not a fact that it helps with even more quarantine. But the Norwegian Health Directorate wants it, while FHI disagrees.

I think it seems exaggerated that a healthy person should be quarantined because they have had contact with a person who has had contact with someone who has had a crown.

When we also know that 80 percent infect one or none, and that perhaps only 10 percent drive corona infection, it means that many who do not have the virus have to sit home and watch.

I think even fewer understand that one should be quarantined even with a negative test. There is a rational reason for this rule. You can get infected without affecting the test. But my impression is that most people practice a negative response as a message of recovery.

And maybe the authorities need to come up with something new here, like setting people free after two tests, preferably rapid tests taken every few days.

These are the super-infectious events that we must avoid. But It’s easier to say it than do it. Good ventilation and lots of space seem to be central.

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I think it is particularly strict with a national recommendation that people should not associate with more than five people in private. This can be almost comical in municipalities that have never had a crown or had a handful of cases in March.

When experts say that the corona spreads especially in homes, it is because that is where they control the most. They find little infection in public transport because it is almost impossible to track the infection, at least without an infection app. They also find little infection in bars and shopping malls, because they don’t have as good a view of who has been there.

Furthermore, the infection trace has not been traced back more than 48 hours, which makes it impossible to find the source of the infection. The incubation period is five days on average. To find the person who infected you, you need to check who you knew at the time.

It’s not just people with dinner guests who need to step up. Infection testing and monitoring can also be improved. But measures are introduced that cost more to the individual citizen.

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Erna Solberg defends the rule of five at home, that sprouts can appear everywhere, that we have had 150 in total and refers to them at Hammerfest and in Hyllestad.

And there are serious situations. But most sprouts are much smaller and disappear faster than this. An outbreak does not have to be more than one infecting two more. Many of the worst outbreaks are also not due to people who have eaten seven at home for dinner.

In Hyllestad, the infection spread in the yard among hardworking immigrants who live and work nearby. At Hammerfest, 20 of the infected employees are in the hospital.

There are other measures that are needed to stop this.

If a mask had been introduced into patient contact in Norwegian hospitals, it would probably have been more accurate than saying no to dinner guests. And to prevent outbreaks like in Hyllestad, the government has now introduced quarantine for workers from the “red countries” of Europe.

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Therefore, we will continue to do so until the beginning of December, Solberg believes.

Wondering if people can handle this. I think some measures seem too light, while others are too strict. But first of all, I think there are now too many measures and it is almost impossible to keep track of which ones are applied. There is still a mask to consider in Oslo. And can we be five, 10, 20, 200 or maybe 600 on Halloween?

It is not easy to say. The rules salad is a nightmare to communicate to the government.

Just cross your fingers for someone to be in your social bubble. And in this year’s Advent calendar, relief is expected in all measures on December 1. And what is hiding behind hatch 24?

Jon Blund, sleeping powder, magic sand and vaccine, we can only hope.

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