So many doses of vaccine have been reserved for your municipality in the first package – VG


ICE CREAM: Pfizer vaccine should be stored at minus 70 degrees. Photo: Ted S. Warren / AP

The distribution of the first large package of vaccine doses, which will arrive on December 28, is now ready.


All municipalities in the country have been offered a series of vaccine doses in the first week, that is, little more than New Year’s. But they can also choose to wait a week, for which FHI has given them room for maneuver:

– First we distribute to the cold stores by proportion of the elderly. Then we tell the municipalities what has been distributed to them, and then we will hear from them if they are ready to receive them already in the first week or if they want to postpone a week, explained Chief Physician Are Stuwitz Berg of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH ). to VG Tuesday.

The first pack of 9,750 doses will be distributed in seven municipalities in eastern Norway this Christmas. These doses arrive on December 26 and vaccination can begin the next day.

What is now distributed is the first normal delivery. Norway will receive weekly deliveries of around 40,000 doses, the first of which is the one that arrives in Norway on the third day of Christmas.

The doses are distributed according to the number of inhabitants in priority groups in the municipalities. In the first round, it will be residents of nursing homes and the elderly who will receive the vaccine.

Read all about the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and the other five vaccines that are relevant to Norway in the special of VG vaccinesand check where you are in the vaccine queue when taking this test.

Enter your municipality in the search field to see how many doses are distributed there in week one:

When the doses are received in the cold rooms, they are repackaged and transport is planned according to what the municipalities have said they can receive. Repackaging takes one week. As of January 4, municipalities across the country can receive their first doses of vaccine.

Pfizer in Norway confirmed on Christmas Eve to VG that they are loading the cars with vaccines and that they are about to drive to Norway. The distribution regime is strict, and it is a secret where the cold rooms are for security reasons.

Those who receive the Pfizer vaccine should receive a dose of two after 21 days. But municipalities cannot send both doses to a citizen at the same time: the Pfizer vaccine has a short shelf life and lasts only five days after it has been thawed for shipment to municipalities. In central cold rooms, the doses are maintained for six months.

– Deliveries throughout the new year will arrive weekly. In the first three weeks, delivery to the municipalities will be less, because they only have to vaccinate the first dose. However, starting from week four, it will be shipped roughly double, because then you can also start by setting dose two, explains Geir Bukholm at FHI.

FHI wrote on its website Wednesday that the first regular Christmas delivery is 35,000 doses, and in total municipalities have been informed that half, just over 17,000 doses, can be shipped to them in the first week.
